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Taehyung's question caught Jungkook off guard, making his body froze for a second, unable to answer.

"I- I won't mind.. he's not mine, anyways." He finally said.

"Are you sure Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked in concern with a hand slowly patting his shoulder.

"Yes, Tae.. the laundry's done." With that, Jungkook stood up and collected all the clothes before leaving back to their dorm.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's back, slowly disappeared from his sight.

Is it that he really don't mind? Taehyung thought.

Jungkook plopped onto his bed as soon as he went in the room, forming a big star on top of it.

His eyes glare at the ceiling, as if they are having a staring contest.

He carefully fished out his phone from his pocket and started strolling the feeds on his phone. While he was casually doing so, he stopped at one particular post; its Jimin's.

A newly updated selca of him and Taehyung.

Upon seeing that, his heart shattered into thousand pieces, as if he thought the idea of feeling love was full of joy and just utterly beautiful, however he forgets that a perfect love has it flaws; pain.

And what hurts him most is his love was one-sided.

He remembered every single detail of him falling for Jimin, even if he never see him before in the past.

He recalled that one particular afternoon when he was scrolling the news feed on his phone that he spotted a fancam of a guy - Jimin singing by the street with hundreds of people surrounding him. The angelic voice of Jimin is still playing clearly in Jungkook's mind; becoming his lullaby to his sleep, the happiness of his life.

You can called that love at first sight; once he sees how passionate and sincere Jimin's singing is, he falls for it, and he is still falling until now.

But nobody catches him, so he will just keep falling.

Jungkook woke up to an empty bed next to him, Taehyung must have left to school earlier today.

He quickly washed up himself and changed to his new set of school uniform before dashing out of the room.

As he turned around after locking his door, he spotted Jimin just got out of the room, yawning. Seems like he heard Jungkook that he turned his head to look at the younger's direction.

"H-hi." Jungkook said, voice trembling and earned a soft hum from Jimin.

Just by this little response of Jimin, Jungkook's heart can't help but to skip a beat, heart beat pounding fast against his chest as if if can't wait to be freed.

Jimin then spun around and start making his way out, with a shy and flushed red Jungkook following behind.

There is about a meter distance in between them as they walked into the school huge compound, Jungkook takes every step so carefully that he is afraid that if he make a wrong move, Jimin might be angry and could even hate him more.

Jungkook had his hung so low that he did not even notice his pace are speeding up that he accidentally bumped into Jimin's back, earning a groan from the older.

"Watch where you're going!" Jimin turned around, raising his voice at him.

"I-I'm sorry..." Jungkook apologized.

Jimin scoffed, "are you actually following me?"

"am not!" Jungkook exclaimed, waving his hands in disagreement.

"you are!" Jimin stepped closer.

"am-" Jungkook shut his mouth just by seeing how close he and Jimin got, if one of them move, their lips might meet.

Jungkook held his breath, avoiding any eye contact with Jimin. He is afraid that once he look into those eyes, he would never want to forget, if he inhale that scent of Jimin, he would fall deeper; deeper than he could ever imagine.

"ChimChim!" a voice interrupted them that Jimin back away and looked to where the voice came from.

"cut that nickname, Taehyung." Jimin rolled his eyes as he fixed his blazer.

"it's cute and it suits you!" Taehyung had his arm around Jimin's shoulder, pushing him closer that their bodies were pressed next to each other.

Jungkook felt a pang of jealousy forming in him, sadness and anger surged through him so much power that he wished he could just rewind the time; telling Taehyung that he really mind if the other guy actually falls for Jimin.

He wants Jimin by himself, but if only fate allows.

"lesson are getting started, fuck off." with that, Jimin left the scene, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook still standing on the spot.

"see you later, Tae..." Jungkook lowered down his head, trying not to let Taehyung sees how unhappy he got as he marched to his classroom which was situated at the end of the hallway.


Jungkook was twirling his pen during the lesson that he can't even pay attention, his mind can't help but to drift towards Jimin, that little moment with him this morning came crushing back to his mind, allowing a tint of pink creeping up both of his cheeks.

"Jeon Jungkook!," he jumped up from his seat.


"are you actually paying attention to my class or something else in your mind are way much fascinating?" his Maths teacher, Mr Byun exclaimed.

"I-I'm sorry, sir." Park Jimin is indeed more fascinating than Maths.

"finish those 50 questions on your practical book and hand in to me by tomorrow morning! I definitely can't take it when students aren't paying attention when I'm teaching!" he gave Jungkook a heavy punishment before proceeding with his lessons.


"how am I going to finish this in a night?" Jungkook ruffled his hair while he was sitting with the others in the canteen.

"I can't believe you just go against Mr.Byun, he's like one of the scariest teacher in school," Namjoon stated as he placed his tray of food on the table.

"I didn't go against him, I just wasn't paying attention," Jungkook pouted as he flipped those pages of Mathematics questions on his practical book.

"thinking about your girlfriend?" Jimin smirked while he rested his head on his palm.

"a-am not..." I am thinking about you.

this time, Hoseok interrupted, "Jiminie is the smartest among us, I'm sure he can help you with that!"

"yeah right," Seok Jin and Yoongi both agreed.

"ahh its okay hyung, I can handle myself," Jungkook gave an assuring smile, even though he would love to have Jimin teaching him and guiding through every question; he also knew he can't demand for that.

"you sure?" Taehyung then patted my shoulder, earning another nod from me.

at first sight.

Author's note:
Comments and votes are appreciated :3

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