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beautiful eyes;

Seok Jin shut the car trunk as soon as everyone has placed their belongings in compartment. 

"ready,  guys?" Seok Jin entered the driver side and ignite the engine of the van that he borrowed from Namjoon's father. 

"let's begin our journey!" Hoseok cheered as he pumped his fist in the air,  possibly the one among the boys who is feeling the most excitedpllllllnnb

"Jung Hoseok,  you better keep your horse mouth shut throughtout the car ride, I'm-" before Yoongi could finish, Namjoon cut him off, "the grandpa have to rest."

His statement earned endless chuckles from the others, even Jimin who always have high sense of humour, laughed as if he is going to run out of breath soon. 

Jungkook who sat next to Jimin,  body tensed up as the older kept having his body leaned against him while he is laughing. 

His body temperature seemed to have accelerate to the point that he feels his sweat slowly forming on the side of his forehead.

"h-hyung..can you uhm, sit properly?" of course he would love to have Jimin being clingy towards him,  but if Jimin continues being so,  he is afraid his clothes might drenched with sweat. 

Jimin cleared his throat and adjusted his position which he is now sitting closer to the car door, "sorry."

Jungkook smiled a little before shutting his eyes closed,  hoping to fall  asleep in order not to feel absolutely overwhelmed by having Jimin sitting next to him.


Probably hours had passed when Jungkook had his eyes swung open and found a packet of snacks placed nicely on his laps. 

He took it and waved it at Taehyung who sat at the back, "thanks Tae."

"it's Jimin," Taehyung shook his head and stated. 

Jungkook turned his mouth into an 'oh' shape before turning his head to look at Jimin who was so sound asleep next to him. 

He smiled warm-heartedly and could not help but to increase a little bit more fond towards the older. 

Few hours past when Seok Jin finally pull into a traditional mansion that have a huge compound and a tremendously large farm next to it. 

"guys, we're here!" Namjoon exclaimed as he unbuckled his seat belt and be the first one to get off the car. 

Jimin followed next, he stretched his numb body due to long hours sitting in the car. 

He yawned as he swung his body to meet with Jungkook who was just about to get off the car. 

Due to how close their distance are, Jimin lost his balance and nearly fall. 

Fortunately, Jungkook was just on the perfect timing that he grabbed onto Jimin's forearms and pulled him forward that their chest were almost touched. 

Jimin stared straight into the younger's sparkling eyes,  somehow feeling so lost in them; yet there's seemed to be a way out. 

"becareful, h-hyung," Jungkook mumbled beneath his breath.

"you have one hell of a gorilla strength, Jeon Jungkook." Jimin chuckled before bringing up his hand to slowly remove Jungkook's hand which was still on his arms. 

With that, Jimin smirked before going to help out with the baggages. 

Jungkook rubbed his nape in embarrassment, face turned into unknown shades of red.

The boys brought the baggages into the mansion and greeted Yoongi's grandparents with respect before they discussed who should be roommates for the next two months of summer holiday.

"Yoongi should probably sleep alone,  his snoring is bad." Namjoon exclaimed, earning a death glare from the said male. 

"if that's so, Taehyung you will sleep with Hoseok,  and let Jimin sleeps with Jungkook." Seok Jin made a clear and firm decision.

Jungkook gulped at the eldest decision, a ball of excitement forming in his stomach,  causing a twist. 

Jimin on the other side has no say, therefore he picked up all his belongings and then went up to their respective bedrooms along with Taehyung and Hoseok.

Jungkook had his eyes on them as they never left.

This time, he felt a pat on his shoulder causing him to turn around to meet with Seok Jin who stood behind him, "I've created the first step for you,  Jungkookie.  Now all you need is courage." He then gave Jungkook an encouraging smile before going up to his room with Namjoon.

Jungkook release a soft sigh in helpless,  the courage of him to continue love and go after Jimin has long gone. Jimin is just a person whom he could look from afar, but not the one whom he could go near.

Jimin is his dream;  dream that will never come true. 

Jungkook cracked open the door of Jimin and his shared room after knocking the door twice.  

He walked in to see Jimin who has already occupied the bed next to the window,  unpacking his stuffs and slowly placing them in the cupboard.

"hope you don't mind," Jimin said out of the blue.

Jungkook overheard his soft voice,  he swung around with his head tilted, totally cluesless about what they older has stated.

Jimin then sat on his bed and smiled vaguely, "I love to be next to the window,  so I took this bed," he patted the quilt cover.

"ahh, it's n-nothing..." Jungkook shook his head multiple times.

Jimin chuckled softly,  lifted his head up to meet with those twinkling dark orbs of Jungkook.

Those pair of beautiful eyes were not just eyes to Jimin,  they were something more profound;  not just simply beautiful, they are beautiful beyond words.

They looked like universe,  complicated yet captivating. Always so ready for you to get near,  to discover.

This time,  they made a meaningful eye contact. Both of them were just so immersed in each others' gorgeous eyes until Taehyung came in and broke the silence.

"guys,  grandpa asked us to go visit his farm!" he exclaimed. 

"I'll be down there in a minute," Jimin  stood up and swipe the dust off the back of his pants.

Jungkook then nodded and stood up,  about to follow Taehyung to meet up with the others when Jimin stopped him,  "stay here and wait for me, Kookie."

Taehyung dumbfounded and his eyes laid on Jimin who left to the toilet. 

"seems like you guys been doing quite okay?" Taehyung scoffed while staring at Jungkook who is now as red as tomato.

Jungkook just gave a nonchalant shrug, he, himself as well clueless about Jimin's attitude. 

All he could do is hope for the better. 

of yours.

Author's note

Sorry it took so LONGGGGGGG for me to update I was so effinnn busyyyy
This chapter is SO boringggg

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