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I'll choose you;


Little did I realize,  tears are rolling in my eyes,  forcing a tear to tumbling down my cheeks,  slowly making it's way to my neck.

Taking every step as heavy as they will ever be,  I heard horns and screeching noise of cars coming from my back and turned my head as fast as I can,  Jungkook!

He was looking like a dead zombie,  trying to cross the road, without second doubt that he might be in heaven the next minute.  He seemed to have immune to the sounds that are coming towards him.

I ran with my lean legs to reach him just as fast as lightning and pulled him back from reality. 

I had my hands on both sides of his arms,  "are you fucking insane?!" I yelled,  not bother if I have hurt his ear drum.

"w-why did you save me?" his voice shivered, "I wanted to die..."

"anyone else would!" I said,  even if there is somebody else around,  he would have been save too. 

"are you sure?" he finally lifted up his head,  allowing my to see his face stained with tears,  those precious tears that I do not want to encounter.

I took a deep breath, my mouth was almost to dry to speak, "why did you want to kill yourself Jungkook?"

"they told me to be happy."

Jungkook had his mouth slightly opened,  words seemed to have stop when they are about to slip out from his lips.

"why're you so stupid? Do you know there are still a lot of people who care for you?" I raised my voice.

"I just want you for me."

I went a step closer to him,  so close that we could hear each other's breathing,  everything stood still except that my heartbeat compounded.

I cupped his cheeks with one of my hands and gently wiped off the tear that leftover on his face, "don't be silly Jungkook,  run away can't solve your problems."

"at least, I can run away from you.." he said, trying to avert his gaze.

"there's no point,  I'll be around"

Jungkook had his confused look on his face,  trains of thoughts seemed to be rushing in and out of his mind.

Without further ado, I leaned in closer and finally kissed him and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. My hand rested below his ear, my thumb caressing his cheek as our breaths mingled.

When I didn't see him pushing me away, I then ran my fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between us and I could feel the beating of my heart against his chest.

This moment I knew,  I would never want to leave him.

The PE lesson is basically the favourite subject of the majority of students. The class cheered as soon as the bell rang,  signaling all of us to go the stadium for our sports lesson.

"alright,  good morning students! For today's lesson, we will be having a friendly match against your fellow juniors, let's wait for them to arrive!" Mr Kim exclaimed and soon we could see a class of students jogging into the stadium along with their teacher,  Ms Alice.

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