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you finally said;

Jimin and Jungkook sat by the slope at the school compound,  both enjoying the warm yet cooling summer breeze. 

This time,  Jimin's phone rang,  indicating Taehyung's name at the caller ID.

Jimin looked towards Jungkook tilted see the younger trying to avoid his gaze.  He licked his dried lips and answer the call, "wassup Tae?"

"Chim,  wanna grab some dinner together? All of us are going, and have you seen Jungkook?" Taehyung asked over the line.

Jimin glanced at Jungkook,  seeing the younger's slightly jealous face, he can't help but to chuckle a little.

"alrighty, I'll ask him too." with that,  Jimin hung up the call.

As soon as Jimin hang up the call,  Jungkook turned his head around and so happened to stumble upon the older's phone wallpaper.

Jimin followed where Jungkook was looking at and that is when he knew he got some explanations to do. 

"ah..this photo,  I-I took it at that Uhm.." he stuttered at his words.

"that's nothing to be nervous about hyung,  you took this photo well." Jungkook smiled,  heart skips a beat upon seeing how well taken the picture of himself, by Jimin.

"it's because you're so beautiful." Jimin assured, hand slowly placing on top of Jungkook's and gave it a slight squeeze.

Red leaked into Jungkook's cheeks as he heard Jimin's compliment regarding himself. 

He did not this is how Jimin sees himself,  all bared and truthful. No lies nor photoshop, just pure beauty.

"They asked us to join for dinner, you wanna come?" Jimin removed his hand away from Jungkook and kept his phone back to his pocket.

"if you're going,  why not?" Jungkook shrugged, earning a slight nudge from Jimin on the shoulder.

Jimin stood up first and offered Jungkook a hand,  Jungkook accepted it with elated and soon both of them walk to the direction of the gate.

Namjoon who were sitting by the barbeque pit, placing the meat that are cooked on the plates and give it to his friends.

All of them are eating with so much enjoyment, savouring the delicious and juicy meat along with Kimchi fried rice and Korean fish cakes. 

Jimin is so engrossed in wrapping the lettuce with meat,  seaweed,  bean sprouts and Kimchi before wrapping it up nicely. 

He called for Jungkook who sat beside him and make an 'ahh' sound, signaling Jungkook to open his mouth,  just like how a mother would feed her child. 

Jungkook munched the wrap that Jimin fed him yummily, feeling as if he is floating on the clouds, receiving glimpse from the heaven. 

"Ish, you two...sit aside will you?" Taehyung joked while making a 'disgusted' face.

"do you want one? I can make one for you too," Jimin mocked as he threw a lettuce towards his direction and it hit perfectly on Taehyung's face.

"yah!" Taehyung revenged,  causing the others to laugh the shit out of them.

Yoongi who sat opposite them, witnessed the whole thing. He saw how close Jimin and Jungkook has gone now,  things between them have been a lot more better.

He felt as if he was trapped in the darkest abyss, heart was pierced through by millions and millions of sharp knives. If his heart is considered as a physical hurt, then his mental is affected too. 

He guess,  it is time he gives up. Jungkook deserves someone like Jimin.

They all took a short stroll back to their dorms,  Namjoon and SeokJin decided to grab something at the convenience store on their way meanwhile the others wait for them outside.

During that time,  Yoongi scooted over to Jungkook who stood next to Jimin while both of them were giggling kver something. He calls out softly for Jungkook.

"yes Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook hummed.

"can I talk to you for a second?" Yoongi requested, only to see Jungkook turned his head to look at Jimin, and earned a nod from Jimin in approval before walking over to Hoseok and Taehyung who were fooling around near the tables in front of the convenience store, giving Yoongi and Jungkook enough privacy to talk.

Only then Jungkook turned back to Yoongi and waited for the older to speak up.

"'ve been knowing how I feel for you all these while, right?" Yoongi asked casually, earning a nod from Jungkook.

"and I also know you definitely don't feel the same way for me." he paused, "therefore, be happy with Jimin, you have my blessings." Yoongi patted Jungkook's arm before walking away to meet with Namjoon and SeokJin who finally walked out from the store.

"Jungkook, you done?" Jimin walked to Jungkook and placed his hand over his shoulder.

Jungkook nodded his head and gave Jimin his billion dollar smile.

Jungkook's heart felt way much better after Yoongi's assuring words.  He has always been extremely grateful towards Yoongi for his understanding and his care.

He would never want to lose a friend like him.

Jungkook looked over his shoulder to see Jimin walking beside him,  he always had that dream of having Jimin walking close by his side,  doesn't have to be lover but at least good friend.

Jimin fastened up his pace a little, meeting Jungkook's speed,  he gave Jungkook a warm-hearted smile. As his shoulder brushed against the younger,  their body temperature exchanged,  sending each other indescribable warmth and comfort. 

When they reached their dorms, they went into their respective rooms. When Jungkook was about to go in,  Jimin stopped him, "Kookie?"

Jungkook swung around his body and looked at Jimin.

"it's Saturday tomorrow, are you working?"

"uhm, I can take leave if there's something you want me to do." Jungkook said nonchalantly.

"correction, is I want to do something for you," Jimin chuckled,  eyes turning into two cresents.

Jungkook followed next, but still nodded his head in agreement.

"then I'll see you tomorrow...morning?"

"sure," Jungkook exposed his bunny teeth by smiling without hesitation.

When both of them was about to go back to their respective rooms,  Jimin turned around and stopped the younger, "hey listen."

"what now hyung? Seems like something is bothering you." Jungkook sounded a little bit impatient as he needed to use the toilet as soon as possible or else he will definitely pee in his pants, yet he does not want to sound too rude towards Jimin.

"ahh..I just wanna say goodnight, and I-I love you."

Jungkook was as if he has gone deaf and dumb for that one second when Jimin confessed. He must have heard something wrong that he couldn't believe himself enough.

When Jimin heard no response coming out from Jungkook,  he had his fade grin hanging on his face, "rest earlier, Kookie. See you tomorrow."

With that,  Jimin turned the door knob and went back to his room.

you love me.

Author's note:

This story will be ending REAL soon.

Comments and upvotes are appreciated 💕

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