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I didn't choose you;

Yoongi's idea had Jungkook went dumbfounded. The younger blinked several times before filtering what the older just said.

He contemplated for quite a while before saying, "I'm sorry hyung. I don't want to lie to you or myself. I love Jimin, and I guess...he would be my first and last."

Eventhough how much Jungkook's words made Yoongi's heart shattered into pieces and turned into a thin layer of cold ice, as if they are frozen due to those merciless words slipping out of Jungkook's tongue, he ought to respect the male's decision.

He likes Jungkook, and he will do everything to make him happy.

Yoongi nodded his head in understanding, at the same time feeling grateful that Jungkook is being truthful to him.

"but promise me, don't let yourself get hurt okay?" Yoongi patted Jungkook's hair and have his gummy bear smile plastered on his face.

The scene falls in front of Jimin's sight when he came up the shore to have some drinks to quench his thirst.

Somehow, he felt a pang a jealousy forming in his chest and a twist in his stomach that made him so uncomfortable. He hated this kind of feeling.

He curled his upper lip to keep himself from speaking nor doing anything. His mind whirling with thoughts that only made him assume the worst. The feeling of jealousy was slowly growing into his skin, filling his blood. Making his eyes go dark, and his mouth become a straight line.

Gosh, what is wrong with me?

He just accepted Taehyung yesterday and now here he is, thinking and jealous over another man.

"come Chim, have a bite." Taehyung shoved the sandwich to Jimin and the latter gladly accepted.

*half an hour later*

Hoseok, Seok Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung hopped on the jetski and went out to the beach to have fun. Water sports would never be enough for the four of them who loves to play so much.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was sleeping in the tent, leaving Jungkook who sat under the shady tree, enjoying the cooling breeze while staring out to the blue sky that forms an endless stretch along with the ocean.

Jimin on the other hand fished out his phone from his pocket to check at the time.

As soon as he turned on his phone, things around him seemed to have stop moving, time stops ticking by and his heart froze.

That wallpaper on his phone had his mind gone wild. He has been using this photo as his wallpaper for more than weeks now, but why does he feels bizarre for looking at it this time?

It made him feels as if, he had fallen in love with this beautiful creature.

It was Jungkook. The wallpaper was Jungkook.

He changed it during the time they came back after experiencing the meteo strikes together.

Jimin then decided to throw these thoughts to the back of his head, just leave the wallpaper to the way it was.

It was not a big deal, after all.

As the sun slowly sets in its horizon; the skyline then formed into pink and orange hue as the boys gradually went up the shore and change into clean clothes.

After that, they all gathered around the campfire set up by SeokJin and Jungkook.

Taehyung chose the space next to Jimin who was sitting next to Jungkook. When the younger was about to switch place with Yoongi, a hand stopped him from doing so.

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