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I'll always be there;

Jungkook woke up to the loud alarm ringing throughtout his room.

Yoongi's grandparents had asked them to wake up early in order to help out in the farm today.

Jungkook flung open his heavy eyelids and turned over to the side table,  only to see Jimin's has set his phone alarm,  however that fellow is still sound asleep despite the loud sound.

Jungkook giggled softly as he reached over to the phone and shut off the alarm.  It went off and the phone indicate the lock screen with a selfie picture of Jimin and his crush - Hoseok.

The vague smile that was plastered on Jungkook's face all the while suddenly disappear.

He removed his hand from Jimin's phone and had his head leaned against the headboard of his bed.  He heaved a sigh whenever the thought of Jimin having a strong adoreness towards Hoseok crashing in his mind. 

He always remind himself that loving someone is something very majestic and miracles seem to always happen around someone who is in love. 

However, this time he knew he was wrong.  There is nothing but pain that he is experiencing ever since he knew he was so in love with Jimin. 

The boys had their breakfast before heading to the tremendously huge farm of Yoongi's grandparents.

The farm was covered with various types of fruit trees,  fresh greenery vegetables and etc.

Jimin wore a plank black tank top and grey sweat pants along with his soon to be muddy converse,  all ready to help out in the farm. 

They were all given respectives tasks as soon as they reached. 

Jimin and Hoseok went over to the sides where all the apple trees are planted. 

They took baskets and started working.  Jimin chose the ripe apples and plucked them carefully before placing them into the baskets,  same goes to Hoseok. 

"Jiminie,  be careful okay," Hoseok warned as he saw Jimin climbing up the ladder,  trying to reach out for the apples that were higher up. 

He adjusted his feet,  trying to stabilize himself before reaching a little bit more higher, in order to pluck the red and shiny apple.

He tipped his toes slightly, stretched out his arms and went for the apple that has his eyes laid on.  He held the apple in his hand and smile so satisfyingly as if he has the most wonderful thing in the world. 

While he was so deep into his own thoughts,  he did not realize one of his feet has already went out a little. 

He lost his balance, and the ladder loses it position that caused Jimin to fall backwards. 

When he thought he was about fall and hit the ground,  a pair of warm arms caught him on time that Jimin fall back onto something which he knew it wasn't the ground; it's a human. 

"Argh..." groans were being heard that Jimin knew he has caused a hard impact while falling onto that person.

He swiftly got up, and turned back to find out who is his hero. 

It's Jungkook. 

"why're you so stupid?" Jimin helped Jungkook to mend his wound that formed on his elbow and some slight cuts on his face. 

"I-I saw you're about t-to fall,  I didn't think...that much." Jungkook stuttered as he lowered down his head.

He swore he never knew what is going to happen next if he rushed over to save Jimin.  All he knew is he cannot afford to lose someone whom he adores so much and will never stop loving. 

Even though he was hurt, wounds over his body, these were all nothing compared to see Jimin getting hurt. He should probably thank Namjoon for asking him to pass the beverages to Hoseok and Jimin, only that he was  able to be there to save him.

"Pabo." Jimin chuckled, as he wipe away the dried blood stained on Jungkook's smooth and milky skin.

Jungkook blinked his eyes several times and pouted.

His reactions has caught Jimin's attention that he can't help but to feel warmhearted by the younger's actions and fondness towards him. 

He is not stupid or heartless,  he knew what Jungkook is thinking and how he felt for himself. He knew everything. 

"no more next time, okay?" Jimin then placed a plaster on Jungkook's cheek where the cut was situated. 

Both of them silent for a few seconds, and when Jungkook suddenly took a deep and purifying air before blurted, "I don't know whether we'll have next time but Jimin hyung, I'll always be there for you."

Jimin's lips moved a little,  as if he has something to say. 

"ah,  there you guys!" SeokJin appeared at the scene and rushed over to both of them.

"are you guys alright?" He asked worriedly.

"We're okay,  hyung. " Jungkook placed his palm on SeokJin's to assure him.

"he's not,  he injured his arm." Jimin exclaimed, only to see Jungkook sulk as he pressed his lips in silence.

Seok Jin examined Jungkook's arms before saying to him, "guess you've listened to my words,  Jungkookie."

Jungkook heard him,  and came to realize what his hyung meant, "of course hyung,  I would not want to miss anything I could do."

Seok Jin grinned and patted Jungkook's shoulder before leaving the place. 

Jimin was left clueless that he scrutinized Jungkook,  trying to figure what both of them were talking about. 

Somehow,  he felt uneasiness. He not know what was forming in his mind and also his heart, it's something so bizarre that he is dying to know what it is.

He then realized,  this feeling is so surprising yet familiar; like how he used to feel when he saw Hoseok is close with someone else.

In short,  he is jealous. 

for you.

Author's note:
So Jimin's jealoussssss
How was that loveliesss

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