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you just;

Both of them walked back together to their dorms after finished washing their clothes.

"I'll see you in 10 minutes time," Jimin said one last time before entering into his dorm, leaving Jungkook standing alone in the empty hallway with a basket in his hands.

Oh lord, I'm going to hangout with my crush. Jungkook face palmed himself, can't feeling more excited.

He quickly changed and informed Taehyung who was still sound asleep before rushing out of the room.

As soon as he got out, he spotted Jimin who was already waiting for him with both of his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"You're one minute late," Jimin said bluntly as he turned around and start making his way towards the exit.

Jungkook paced up, grabbing Jimin by his arm, "I'm sorry, hyung. No next time."

Jimin stopped his tracks, turning his head to lock his gaze with the latter.

"I did not blame you, don't be sorry," Jimin smirked.

"I'm late so I'm sorry." Jungkook loosened his grip on Jimin's arm.

"You're the baby, how can I be mad at you?" Jimin chuckled before continuing, "let's get going."

With that, Jimin then make his way out, followed by Jungkook who was more than flustered.

Jimin and Jungkook then took a short stroll along the street, due to their school is in the main part of the city, they soon arrived at the main district of Seoul.

Both of them walked along the busy street, shoulders brushing against each other so effortlessly as the people around them were squeezing against each other.

Jungkook lowered down his head, being cautious at every step he take as he is afraid that he might step onto someone else's feet.

"We should probably get out of here," Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ears as he then dragged the younger out of the place and went into an emptier street.

"Hyung...wait," Jimin gripped so tightly onto Jungkook's wrist that it kind of hurting him.

Jimin stopped his tracks, and spun around while he stared at Jungkook in confusion.

" hand, it hurts..." Jungkook gently rubbing his reddened wrist, at the same time feeling amazed by how strong Jimin is, compared to how small and fragile he actually looks.

"I'm- sorry, I just don't want you to feel uneasy at that such freaking crowded place," Jimin took a step closer.

Jungkook smiled vaguely, eyes not leaving his wrist; taking it as an excuse to avoid the older's stare.

"Let me see," Jimin scooted closer to Jungkook and insisted to take his hand.

"Ah, it's-"

"I've hurt you, I'm sorry." Jimin cut him off so quickly that he stared into those dark orbs eyes so sincere that makes Jungkook wanted to believe everything in those fairytales story are real and blissful.

"I-I'm okay..." Jungkook's voice shivered, not only by the chilly weather but also due to the fast pounding heart beat.

Jimin giggled. Oh how much Jungkook is in love with that soft giggles of his crush. How much he wishes to keep Jimin in his pocket.

Jungkook set his gaze on the shorter male in front of him who was slowly rubbing the reddened area of his wrist, trying to ease the pain.

"You feeling better?" Jimin looked up.

"You made it better hyung."

"Huh?" Jimin pretended to missed what Jungkook just said.

"Ahh nothing..." Jungkook fake a smile and shook his head, feeling kind of disappointed that Jimin did not hear his confession which he had no idea where he earned that courage to say it.

Jimin saw how drastic Jungkook's face expression change, he chuckled again before saying, "I heard you, Jungkook."

The smile on Jungkook's face lights up once again, crinkles formed at the edge of his face which Jimin finds it so mesmerising and beautiful.

And that is when they both knew, something strange started to ignite in them.

make everything feels right.

Author's note:
Sorry it took me so long to update this chapter I was so bzzzzzz
And sorry this is LOUSY TTM

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