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After 6381919 years, I'm back at it again :)))

we've been falling in love;

Jungkook's question caught the older off guard,  numerous questions makes floating in his mind, causing him to tilt his head in confusion.

"I-" when he was about to continue,  a loud striking sound was heard,  the two male turned their heads to where it came from, only to see uncountable meteors flew across the sky,  creating a whole spread of dazzling late evening sky. 

"quickly make wishes, hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed while himself swiftly closed his eyes,  and started to make wishes with his hands clasped together,  as if he is sending his desperate prayers to God.

Jimin chuckled slightly as he saw how the younger acted, instead of making wishes for himself, he fished out his phone from his pocket to capture this moment. 

He quietly took a picture of Jungkook making wishes, just to have this scenario forever embedded in his memory; being part of his most beautiful moments in life.

Jungkook flung open his eyes after done making his wishes,  only to see the guy who sat next to him,  was staring longingly at him.

"did you make wishes,  hyung?"

"I did," Jimin spoke and paused, "I wished that your wishes contained me."

The other boys waited for Jimin and Jungkook to join them after the meteors strike before walking back to the house together.

They bid each other goodnight before going back to their dorms respectivesly.

"Kookie do you wanna bath first?" Jimin dropped onto his bed, resting his slightly sore feet.

"alright," Jungkook then gathered his clothes before rambling over to the bathroom. 

Jimin rested his head against the headboard, staring blankly at the wall in front of him with a few simple frames hanging against it.

A mixture of baffled feelings forming in his head,  causing a twist in his stomach before he pulled his phone and started to check his feeds.

As he was doing so,  something came into his mind which causes him to close his feeds and turned on the 'setting' page and decided to change his lockscreen wallpaper. 

"hyung, I'm done." Jungkook's who came out from the bathroom broke the silence.

Jimin replied with a nod before heading into the bathroom.

After he bathed,  he came out and was welcomed with a sound asleep Jungkook. The younger fell on the bed with his legs drap over the bed, blanket hanging at the edge of the divider. 

Jimim chuckled softly before walking over to him and pick up the younger's hanging legs and blanket in order to set him in place nicely. 

Jungkook hugged onto his blanket so tightly as if his life form depending on it. 

Jimin set his gaze on Jungkook,  trying to study his captivating profile. Reading every single feature of him,  not wanting to miss every flaw and scar on his face,  which makes him so imperfectly perfect. 

Jimin scooted closer the younger, he lowered down his level until their face meet. He gently placed a small peck against Jungkook's forehead, trying to avoid the male from waking up. 

Butterflies in his stomach flapped their wings to the rhythm of his pounding heartbeat, a chill can't help but to run down his spine. 

With that, he went back to his bed and tug in. 

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