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Days passed by, the connection between Jimin and Jungkook has gone a lot better. 

They are back to normal,  having late night talks during the night and waking up each other during the morning.

Meanwhile Taehyung and Jimin has been keeping on the same track,  nothing changed.

"Jungkook-ah,  have you seen my Spiderman underwear? I think I left it in your cupboard.." Jimin yelled, loud enough for Jungkook who was bathing to hear.

"Ahh Hyung,  how I know where did your spiderman underwear goes? Search for it yourself!" Jungkook yelled back,  earning an eye roll from Jimin.

He then continue to ransack everything from Jungkook's closet,  trying to find his belongings.

"ugh,  where did it go,  it's my fave..." he mumbled to himself.

This time,  Jungkook who came out from the bathroom, with fully dressed asked while drying his hair with a towel, "I think it's somewhere there,  or probably in the trash can already."

"what the actual fuck Jeon Jungkook! How dare you threw away my baby!?"  Jimin ruffled his hair in frustration.

"I thought I'm your baby?" Jungkook teased, earning a slap on the arm from Jimin.

"yah,  where the hell did you put that freaking underwear?"

"why do you need it so badly? I swear to hell I didn't know where it was!" Jungkook had both of his hands up in the air as a sign of surrender.

Jimin smirked as he looked at Jungkook who was so adorable when he surrenders to Jimin,  he just wanted to pinch those damn rosy cheeks.

Instead,  he just went over to him to tickle his sides,  pushing some force onto them so that Jungkook will flinch slightly from the pain.

"g-gosh hyung!!! I swear I didn't take it!" Jungkook shouted at the top of his lungs while trying to get away from Jimin but the shorter guy was strong out of his expectations.

"you better spill the beans,  fucker!" Jimin tickled him without a single mercy.

"Hahahaha!" Jungkook laughed as he kept flinching himself away from Jimin.

As both of them were too immersed in  tickling and flinching,  Jungkook knee hit the divider of his bed and caused the two of them to stumble down onto the bed. 

Jimin fell on top of Jungkook,  putting all the weight on him.

Jungkook's brown fringe fell against his forehead so perfectly that Jimin finds it so attractive.

If Jungkook is looking handsome usually,  he is looking breathtaking now.

Jungkook looked into the hazelnut eyes of Jimin,  having the urge of wanting to express how he feels for Jimin but somehow not knowingly overcome it and continue to admire his beautiful pair of eyes that has the ability to steal his heart away. 

Jimin gently brushed away the fallen fringe of Jungkook,  leaving his forehead bare and naked.

He then placed a delicate kiss against it.

"what was that for?" Jungkook asked,  who was pretty amazed at the same time.

"for being so beautiful." Jimin tried to hide his flushed cheeks, but failed eventually.

Jimin got off Jungkook and runs his fingers through his hair,  and soon walked out of the room.

Jungkook sat on the bed with flattering heart, and hot pink cheeks. He slowly lifted up his hand to touch his forehead where Jimin left him with a soft kiss.

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