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to be with you;

"I really have something to show you..." Taehyung begged as Jimin asked him to move out of his way.

He kept tagging behind Jimin, whether the older is resting,  plucking fruits,  trimming the bushes and for worst, even when he is away for toilets. 

"stop following me Kim Taehyung!  I need to fucking pee!" Jimin stood in front of the toilet. 

"I really need to show you something tonight, for Pete's sake!" Taehyung raised his voice a little,  eyes gone tearing as anger started to boil within him due to the fact that Jimin refused to hangout with him tonight.

"I'm not up to your nonsense okay, now get outta my way!" Jimin insisted, and this time Jungkook who came out from the toilet was startled by the two males who were standing out there. 

"what're you guys up to?" the maknae questioned.

"nothing." Taehyung and Jimin harmonized.

Jungkook had his weird and surprised look on his face,  eyes avert from Jimin to Taehyung then back to Jimin again.

"I really need to pee.." Jimin then went into the toilet without waiting for the other two to speak. 

"what's going on?" Jungkook continue questioning Taehyung.

"it's really nothing,  Jeon. Leave me alone." with that, Taehyung left the place with unpleasant feelings. 

At that moment, anger and disappointment surged through him with so much power but yet his heart is still racing fast for Jimin.

He will never give up, if he could not make it tonight. There are still more chances to go,  if only Jimin gives him time to show his love and sincerity.

"where's Kim Taehyung?" Jimin had his towel around his neck as he sat at the table to have dinner.

"he was in the farm during afternoon, but when we came back, he wasn't with us." Namjoon said, as he took a bite of his prawn fritters.

Jimin nodded in agreement, slowly his mind drifted to the little conflict happened between him and Taehyung during the afternoon. 

What was he actually up to? Jimin thought.

This time,  Jungkook who sat next to him cleared his throat, "I saw him took the car keys and went out just now. But I wasn't sure where he went."

"you sure?" Jimin crooked an eyebrow, earning a nod from the younger.

"it's strange, this pig seldom skips dinner" Jimin titled his head,  however he tend to erase the thoughts about Taehyung. All he needs is food right now. 

Jungkook whom his eyes never once left Jimin, noticed how Jimin's eyes were glistening when he was worrying about Taehyung's whereabouts.

Just by these slight actions of his crush towards somebody else would eventually lead him to heartbreaks. Or probably not, more like demolished. 

He felt like he is being swooped by a wrecking ball and it is slowly destroying his world little by little. 

However,  he will try to pick himself up. 

If he didn't,  no one else would.

It was already half past ten and Taehyung was still nowhere to be seen.  The boys were all gathered in the living room to wait for him but to no avail. 

"I think I'm going out to find him." Namjoon stood up.

"no hyung! Let me do it," Jimin rushed over and stopped him by pulling his arm.

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