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I only love you;


I woke up to my stomach growling for food,  so loudly that I could heard myself.  The strong smell of food flowing into my nose,  satisfying the strills and seducing my taste buds.

I got down the bed groggily and slowly making my way to the kitchen,  but I remember we are not allowed to cook in the dorm, but how Taehyung managed to do so? 

"oh, you're awake," when I thought it was my roommate who cooked for me,  it turned to be my crush - Jimin.

I was about to turn my heels away and go back to my bed before he could rushed over and gripped onto my arm, "just eat the porridge? And I leave.." he begged while staring at me with his sincere eyes.

I doubted for awhile before nodding my head.

I took a sip of the porridge that he had prepared for me,  it tastes so good, like really good.

What this person can't do?  He can sing,  he can dance,  he can play guitar so well,  he is smart, he can cook and he is popular; way too perfect for a person to even exist in this world, yet one thing I know for sure he doesn't belongs to me.

Jimin stares at me as if he was going to burn a hole on my face,  he had his chin rested on both of his hand as he sat opposite of me.

"y-you're staring..." I stuttered.

"are you even real?" he asked all of a sudden.

I looked at him with much confusion written on my face,  not being able to come in acknowlegment what he was saying.

"you shouldn't be that beautiful, you know?" he praised,  sounded so relax.

"I-I finished my porridge,  y-you s-should probably leave," there goes me, avoiding the topic and talked like a fucking chimpanzee.

I hated it when Jimin just have such effect on me,  no matter how hard I was trying to erase everything, he still manages to find his way to my heart, staying in there for-God-knows how long and pay no rent. 

"yeah,  I probably should. You get some rest,  I'm just next door, call me if you need anything." Jimin said he walked towards the door.

I slammed the door as quick as I can in order to prevent him from seeing how red I got due to the over caring he has towards me.

I went to school like usual the next day,  when I was about to go the washroom in between classes, I bumped into Jimin who was about to head to the same place.

"hi," he greeted.

I just smiled vaguely before walking into the toilet,  not even spare a few seconds of glances for him.

I was just too afraid to look into those captivating eyes again,  they are just like magnets,  having the positive energy to attract if you are simply negative, just as weak as I am.

As I finished with my business and was about to walk back to my classroom, Jimin stopped me.

"Jungkook? Are you still mad at me?"

I kept in silence,  I wanted to say I am not mad at him,  I'm just so madly in love with him.  But somehow things were stucked in my throat,  no phrases could be emphasize.

Jimin let out a soft sigh,  "it's okay,  you don't have to answer me now. Tonight 7pm,  I'll wait for you at Han River, turn up if you have forgiven me. If you didn't,  I'll understand." with that,  he left to his classroom,  leaving me there,  dumbfounded by his request.

Chasing You | Jikook ✅Where stories live. Discover now