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i saw a shooting star;

Jungkook's stomach growling as he sat alone in his classroom during recess time; to finish Mr Byun's maths homework so that he could hand in on time. 

He stared at those familiar yet unknowing mathematical equations, having an internal monolog running throughout his mind. 

How he wish Jimin is here with him,  to guide him through all these questions.

As he was tapping away his calculator, blindly finding those answers,  he felt someone appeared behind him. 

He turned around to see Yoongi stood there with his infamous gummy bear smile and a lunchbox on his hand. 

"Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook called softly. 

"don't starve yourself," Yoongi placed the lunchbox on Jungkook's table.

"t-thanks.." Jungkook's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, feeling grateful of Yoongi's sweet actions.

Yoongi looked at how frustrated and despair Jungkook is while doing those Mathematics questions. Yoongi would dying to help his crush but his mentality would not allow so.  He is sucks at his studies,  all he does is music and music. 

He saw at Jungkook who scratched his head in confusion, he bent down his body to reach the younger's level before placing a delicate kiss against Jungkook's cheek, "hope this would help."

"h-hyung.." Jungkook who was more than startled, stares at Yoongi in shocked. 

"I'll see you around." Yoongi then left the classroom after patting Jungkook's head.

Jungkook breathe in and let out again, can't really filter what he had just encountered.

"I didn't know Yoongi likes you." A familiar voice was heard,  causing him to turn his head. 

"J-Jimin?" Jungkook breathing has now turned slightly unstable.

The scene happened between Yoongi and Jungkook has unfold in front of Jimin's eyes when he stood by the back door not long ago.

He brought food for Jungkook, too.

He placed the lunchbox slight harder on the table,  jolting the younger. 

"Jimin hyung..there's nothing between me and Yoongi hyung." Jimin flinched when Jungkook accidentally grabbed his injured arm.

"nobody kissed you if there's nothing between the both of you,  Jungkook."

"you kissed me too, hyung. So does it mean there's things between us when you're with Taehyung?"

"that's totally a diffrent question Jeon Jungkook!"

"it's exactly the same thing Jimin hyung." Jungkook sounded firm, voice trembling a little.

"then I've got nothing to say.." Jimin stormed out of the classroom, leaving Jungkook standing there,  speechless.

Bell rang across the hallway, indicating the students that the classes will be continuing real soon.  Students gradually occupying the classroom, noises of laughter and chit-chatting surrounding Jungkook.

He stood there as the world has stop orbiting around the sun; the time has stop ticking by. 

His mind went blank and so does his heart. 

Jimin came out from his bath and went into his own bed.  He fell on top of it,  staring blankly at the ceiling.

The scene of Jungkook and Yoongi kept came crashing into him,  driving him insane. 

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