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you are pretty;

Jungkook heard impatient knocks coming from the door, he got up from his bed and rushed over to it.

Impossible that Taehyung has forget his keys, Jungkook thought.

He turned the doorknob and swung open the door, revealed a Jimin who was well-dressed and his hair gelled up.

"J-Jimin hyung?" Jungkook's voice trembling as he did not expect to see him here.

Both of them stood by the door, as if the world has stopped orbiting, the things has stop moving and the time has stood still.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Jimin asked, not forgetting to have the smirk on his pretty face.

"Ahh, sorry." Jungkook stepped aside, allowing Jimin to walk in the dorm with both of his hands stuffed in the pockets.

Jimin placed his butt on one of the beds, not knowing whom it belongs to.

Jungkook pulled out the chair by the desk and sat on it carefully, feeling so tensed up by the atmosphere of the whole place and also by the presence of Jimin in his dorm.

The Park Jimin whom he adores so much and which dying to own so much is now in his dorm? God must be kidding him.

"So...why aren't you at the party?" Jimin asked calmly.

Jungkook bite his lower lip, contemplating about what answers should he replied. He can't be telling Jimin the truth, but what lies should he tell? He is sick? But no, he does not look like one.

Right before Jungkook could give out any answers, Jimin interrupted, "are you avoiding me?"

"Of course not!" Jungkook protested.


"I-I..." Jungkook paused, a lump seemed to have formed in his throat, unable for him to continue.

"You're afraid that I might be unhappy to see you?" Bingo.

Jungkook stared at his feet, as if they were having a staring competition.

Jimin chuckled at the statement and shook his head, thinking how adorable this person in front of him could be.

"Actually, I don't hate you that much. You're kinda cute."

Jungkook looked up from his feet and made an eye contact with the older.

An electric shock run down his spine, his face turned into an embarrassing reddish hue; like how his face would turned to during a hot day.

Jimin smirked as he saw Jungkook's reaction, however he can't help but his heart stop beating for that one second while seeing how shy the younger got.

"Now get change, we're going to have some fun," Jimin stood up and swipe the dust off his pants.

"Where're we going?" Jungkook followed next.

"To the party of course, you wouldn't want to miss it."

With that, Jungkook went to pick his outfit according to Jimin's liking - a pair of ripped jeans and a white oversized shirt along with his favourites shoes, Timberland.


Both of them headed over to the auditorium, welcomed by the music that was play on full blast, echoing throughout the whole hallway.

Jungkook trailed behind Jimin as they both walked into the place, hundred pairs of eyes fall on them as if they were some sort of celebrity.

"Jimin!" Seok Jin yelled across the room, earning attention from the people.

Two of them then approached the gang, only to see Taehyung staring at them with disbelief wide eyes.

"Didn't you say you don't want to come?" Taehyung eyed Jungkook, still curious about how both Jimin and his best friend ended up together.

"Jimin hyung said it would be fun," Jungkook bite his lip nervously.

"Yeah he's right, you're going to enjoy yourself!" SeokJin and Namjoon then dragged the youngest among them to the dance floor, jamming effortlessly to the songs.

Jungkook followed the other two older friends, bobbing their heads up and down to the rhythm, enjoying their time to the fullest.

Their moment ended when Taehyung bumped into the three of them, asking them to join the others for a few shots at the corner of the auditorium.

Jungkook, Namjoon and Seok Jin headed over; only to see a drunk Hoseok and Yoongi mumbling to each other with nonsensical statements and with giggling Jimin stood by.

"You're such a grumpy old man with no balls!" Hoseok yelled while taking another big mouthful of beer.

"You fucking moron that looks like a horse running down the road-" Yoongi shot back earning more laughter from the gang.

"Shut-" instead of waiting for Hoseok to finish, Jimin went over to him and wrapped his arms over his shoulder, "Hobi-hyung, you're drunk, let's go back hmm?"

Jungkook was surprised by how gentle and caring Jimin has turned to while he was talking to Hoseok.

A pang of jealousy and frustration mounted in him; making him feel so uneasy at spot.

"J-Jimin ah, don't you think so? Yoongi is an idiot," Hoseok mumbled while leaning over to Jimin, making him stumble a little but still manage to catch him.

"Yes yes he is, we should go back Hoseok it's late," Jimin rubbed his back up and down.

"Jimin-ah, why not we bring him back? You can stay here if you want," Seok Jin walked over to them.

"It's okay, hyung. I'll bring him back." Jimin assured before putting Hoseok's arm around his neck, allowing his body to lean over before cautiously making their way out of the place.

Jungkook's eyes never once left the duo, following them until they went out of his sight.

He lowered his head down, already not in the mood for anything. His surrounding seemed to have went silence, he could not heard of anything as if it's he is the only standing there.

"Ah, Hoseok left his phone here!" Seok Jin said, meanwhile Taehyung volunteered to bring it for him.

Jungkook felt like he wanted to go back to the dorm therefore he excused himself by accompanying Taehyung. The others agreed and promised to look after Yoongi who was also drunk as hell.


Author's note
Where's my cutie piezzz

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