Chapter 10

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"How could you hide this from me?" Signe questioned with shock as she got up from the armchair she was sitting on previously. She took her hands to her hair and began walking back and forth, struggling to keep a regular breathing.

"Honey, it wasn't easy." Jolene confessed. She sniffed and Signe felt like breaking down, shout to the universe and ask it why it hated her so much she couldn't have happiness at all.

"How long?"


"How long have you been hiding this from me?" The girl demanded raising her voice a little too much than necessary. Hurt painted across her face as her brain attempted to absorb the words 'I'm going to die soon.'

"Sweetie..." Her mom started to sob, her hand trying to grab the girl's arm which she moved away from her reach. The travels. Since the travels started she has been hiding it from her. Signe lately had been feeling she was closer to get the surface, to finally breathe, yet now, she felt like the darkness from the deep sea had gotten a hold of her and was bringing her down back again. Deeper than she had been before.

"No...Mom I trusted you! Why couldn't you trust me?! This...this is..." The ginger didn't know what to say. It was heartbreaking, to say the least.

"Signe, honey, I didn't want you to worry. We were already not in good terms and then Shawn broke up with you. I couldn't tell you back then, it would have destroyed you."

"What's the difference now?"

"We were seeing improvements in you. Obviously, we didn't want to ruin your happiness, but we had to tell you Signe. We couldn't keep this away for much longer. Especially since we don't know how long we have." Daniel explained. He cleaned the tears staining his cheeks and stared at the girl with sadness. Signe knew she couldn't be mad at her mother and certainly should not feel like she was suffering the most when Daniel had lost his whole family before and now that he got a new one, he was going to lose the second love of his life.

"" The girl cried out as she kneeled in front of her mother, laying her head on her lap as she broke down. "I don't want you to die."

"I know sweetie. I know."


Signe made her way back home, no music on the radio playing, the songs were either too sad or to happy for her likening, in fact, she didn't want to listen to any song at all. Her thoughts were the only thing she could hear, they were loud, gloomy, filled with darkness she didn't feel like running away from. What was the point? Her mother was going to die, either way, there was nothing she could do, but be by her side and watch, hopelessly, her mother slip away from her grasp. For the first time, the ginger wondered if it wouldn't have been easier if she had died the day Jeremy stabbed her. The day where her blood had stained the Nelson's apartment floor, the day the knife had open a wound on her body, the day she felt the worst pain she had ever felt. Shawn wouldn't have to break up with her afraid distance would tear them apart and even with her mother dying they could be reunited again, if - there's always an if - there was such thing as heaven.

Tears filled her vision, blurring it, making it harder for the ginger to drive. She pulled her car away, unable to keep driving with the tears threatening her safety. Despite thinking about dying previously, Signe did not want it. She had still a little flame burning inside herself, whispering softly into her ears that her life was so much more than that. Everyone goes through a dark period in their lives and that was meant to be hers. If others could make it, then surely could she. The girl cleaned her tears, trying to holding them back as much as she could in order to get back to the apartment with no accidents.

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