Chapter 18

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Alex parked his car in front of a small building, where probably happens to be his father's bar. Signe was feeling a little reluctant towards the whole singing scene, yet after listening to Alex's story she wondered if music could still save her from the dark state her mind had become over the past events. All that time Blake has complained about her not singing only to figuring out that could be the solution to what she was feeling or not feeling at all.

"We're here." The blue-eyed boy announced as he tried to contain a smirk. His excitement, unfortunately, did not spread to the girl, instead, it made her feel like she was going to regret having allowed him to help her. "Let's go."

She opened the door of his car, closing it behind her once she was out and walked towards the building. From outside it appeared to be small and nothing special, but on the inside everything changed. It was a bigger space than it was led to believe, everything was made of wood, including the fans hanging in the ceiling. The counter on the left, which was closed, clearly looked like a bar while the right counter on the right had coffee and a tiny variety of small food like muffins, cupcakes, croissants, etc on the small display next to the counter. At the very front, there was a small stage also made of wood, it had no light bringing attention over it since there was nothing happened there. In the floor, right in front of the stage, it was marked a dance floor, with different wooden tiles to distinguish the areas. It was a weird sight at first, yet the girl knew a little diversity was good. That bar/Café was an unlikely mix and definitely not seen in places like Toronto where most bars are modern.

"So, what do you think of the place?" Alex inquired with a content sigh afterward. It was clear he had pride of the place and Signe could see why. Although there weren't many people hanging around at that time, the place had its enchantment.

"This is cozy and very nice."

"Yeah, I think so too. My dad wanted a place where people could feel like home and at the same time enjoy themselves. He didn't fail."

Signe half smiled. She could remember the last time she showed pride in something - more like someone - and that someone ended up disappointing her. It would take a while until she could find something else to be proud of.

"Oh, I saw that. Did you just smile?" Alex teased, satisfied that he had found a way of getting her to smile, even if it wasn't entirely a smile. The girl shrugged, she wasn't sure of what was that.

At that moment she noticed by the corner of her eye of a small man standing behind the counter, waving happily at them, a wide smile lighting up the man's features. That is probably his father Signe assumed as she observed him walk away from the counter to approach them.

"I apologize beforehand." The boy by her side said. She glanced at him confused as she furrowed her brows and right when she opened her mouth to ask him what he was talking about, Michael spoke.

"Hey, son! Who's this nice lady you brought with you? Is she your girlfriend?"

Oh, so that's why...The ginger thought as her cheeks flushed red uncontrollably.

"Oh my God dad! No, I just met her today." Alex protested, trying to avoid any eye contact with the girl. Michael, had a bald head, a grey - almost white - beard and his eyes were grey like the sky outside, glimmering under the artificial light as if his eyes had lightning.

"I'm messing with ya, son. Learn how to take a joke. "The man retorted with an eye roll, a grin on his lips. "Well, I'm Michael Williams and please do not call me Mr. Williams. I'm not that old. I'll never be old. I'm still as charming as I was back when I was in my twenties."

That cracked a real smile from Signe. There was no way she could not smile at that. "It's nice to meet you, Michael. I'm Signe Wilson."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Signe." Michael inhaled smiling happily at the two. That man radiated such happy vibes it made the girl want smile nonstop as well. Oh god, I miss that sensation the ginger whined mentally whilst trying to stop her mind from bringing back old memories.

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