Chapter 32

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That was the first time Signe was going to dinner with so many people at the table since her family was small there weren't many people to eat with and after her grandparents from her mother passed away the table was just for her and her mother. She didn't know what it was like to sit at the table with a big family and she was going to finally find out what it felt like. Most of the people on that table were people Signe could call family, Blake, Karen, Manuel, Aaliyah, Shawn and now Eva. Then she had Shawn's band and manager who had become extremely important for her boyfriend, therefore they could also be considered family.

"You're quiet. Everything alright?" Shawn questioned as he put his arm around her shoulders. They were now sitting down, Signe between the boy and his little sister who threatened to fight Blake if he didn't let her sit next to the ginger.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." She replied with a thin smile. Shawn kissed her forehead softly and the two focused on the conversation going on the table. At first, the ginger was absolutely lost, but pretty soon she was able to catch up with the talk and join in.

"Sure, the performance was good, but I've seen better." Blake joked, he took a mouthful of food with his fork whilst smirking playfully.

"You're right, my performances are better." Signe agreed making the blond boy almost choke on his food.

"Please Wilson, not even on your wildest dreams." He coughed as Eva patted his back to help him.

"Here we go again." Shawn chuckled beside the ginger. Signe elbowed him playfully in the ribs when her phone began ringing.

"Oh, excuse me." She picked up her phone and left the table looking for a quiet place to speak. "Hello?"

"Hey Signe. It's Alex. We have a little problem." Alex spoke from the other side of the line. As usual, she couldn't be happy, there was always something that brought her worry or unhappiness.

"Little problem? What do you mean? What happened?" She questioned worriedly, her eyes diverting to the table for brief seconds, observing them laugh freely with another shared joke.

"Maddie got a call from your stepfather. He was drunk and he isn't feeling that well." The boy explained sadness all over his voice. Before Signe could speak again he quickly added. "We are with him now, but it would be better if you came."

"Why didn't he call me?" She inquired upset, unsure of what to do since she was currently in Miami. She already had a flight to come back the next day, yet Daniel needed her sooner.

"He said he didn't want to bother you. Will you come?"

"I can't. I'm in Miami, with Shawn and everyone else." The girl bit her lower lip, battling tears. Her stepfather needed her help, she had to do something quickly. She ran a hand through her hair, she felt frustrated and powerless. Why did it have to happen when she was away? Why couldn't she be genuinely happy for more than five minutes?

" and Shawn are friends again?" Alex asked, his voice losing all the emotion his voice once possessed. Signe realized why Stephanie had disliked her when they first met, why she was all over Alex when he was trying to help the ginger and she was goddamn blind for not realizing it sooner. It was all there, in those words and how they sounded. Alex liked her. Stephanie liked him too and that was the reason why when they met the girl wasn't very nice towards Signe because she was jealous. It all made sense now.

"We're back... together, I mean." There was no easy way of telling him the truth. She heard him take a deep breath, her heart squeezing a little inside her ribcage at the thought of having hurt a friend.

"Well, I'm happy for you. I know how much he means to you. Don't worry, enjoy your time there. Goodbye." Alex hung up the call, not giving a chance of the ginger to speak. She groaned and placed her phone inside her jeans pocket. What was she going to do?

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