Dear Kaitlyn,

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Dear Kaitlyn *****,

Today was not a good day. Tomorrow isn't going to be a good day, a good week, a good month, or a good year, and here's why;

People don't notice me. It just seems like I'm not even there, if I was gone tomorrow I bet no one would notice.

My mom is never home. My dad doesn't pay attention to how much time I spend in my room, or how I cry myself to sleep every night.

I only have myself, my phone, and my ukulele.

I want to believe that my life will get better, I really wish I could. It's just hard to believe in a fantasy.

I really hope things get better.

Sincerely, Me.

This is taken from DEAR EVAN HANSEN, the BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO BROADWAY!! (With my own little touch :))


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