Chapter 1. Reverse

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Wills pov)

I heard the whip whistle through the air, as it hit a solid surface, followed by a loud yelp. I narrowed my eyes.
"N-not again. ."  I threw my book onto the bed, and rushed down the hall. (I know it's pretty wonky.. but they got a new servant who is reader.. sorry you a have to be the one to be getting hurt.. but at least it's a change..) as turned the corner, I skidded to a stop.

"Wait right there, willy." I heard a sweet voice behind me. Mistress Mabel walked in front of me. "Where are you going?"

I shook my head. "P-please just let me past!" I started to cry. She cocked her head.

"Oh, do you want to join your little tulip out there?"

I sighed. "P-please. Just l-let me switch with h-her. She can't t-take this much l-longer!"

a smile spread across her face. "That can be arranged." She pushed me against a tree, by pushing my chest. "Stay here, or you'll get double time." I watched  her sashay over to the Telapathy tent.

When she was out of sight, i buried my face in my sleeves, starting to cry. "W-why does she h-have to pay?" After a minute, the whip whistled again, and I cringed, about to run to the tent, but instead the whip hit a different surface. The ground. I let all my breath go. Mistress Mabel came walking back up to me, grabbing my arm harshly, and yanking me up to my feet again.

"Come on, crybaby." I wiped away my tears. I don't want the newcomer to know that I'm a wimp. She Walked me into the tent. I looked around, looking for Y/N. Suddenly, I spotted a small, bloodied figure laying on the ground a couple feet away from master Tyrone. I pulled out of mistress Mabel's grip, and ran to the small human. Suddenly a searing pain shot through my back. I tripped painfully, and landed on my hands and knees.

"Now, now, will. You don't want to end up looking Like her, do you?" I heard master Tyrone chuckle, walking up to me. "Oh, that's right.. you already will!" He stepped on my whip wound. I screamed. It was as if there was alcohol on his shoe.

"P-p-please just l-let me g-go h-help her u-up." He grabbed my hair, and lifted me up, only to throw me to the ground in front of her.

"Fine, but no healing her." He growled, sending shivers down my back. I breathed in shakily as I grabbed her arms, pulling her up to her feet.

"C-come on. L-lemme help you u-up." She groaned, opening her eyes. They were a beautiful E/C

"O-oh, T-thank you." She mumbed, trying to smile at me. I looked at her, wanting to cry.

"Y-you're welcome. Afterall, w-we will h-have to help e-each other, regularly a-anyway.." She mumbled something in response, passing out again. Master Tyrone grabbed the collar of my sweater, pulling me back, and Making Y/N slip out of my grip, and onto the cold, dusty ground again.
"Okay, you helped her up." Master Tyrone said in my ear. "Mabel, get this mess out of here, i want the whole ground, in case our little Will tries to run." Mistress Mabel smirked, as she  dragged Y/N out of the tent. I reached out.
"P-please be c-careful.." I whimpered.  Mistress Mabel grinned now, dragging her faster. I bit my lip. Master Tyrone clicked his tongue. "Well. let's play, shall we?" He flicked the whip at me.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now