chapter 13. Awkward

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Bill's pov)

I looked up from the fireplace, to the door, as it opened. Y/N and Will walked In. "Phew, it's been a long day!" Y/N dropped herself on the carpet, as she stared at the chandelier. I chuckled.
"That bad, huh?" She turned her head, and looked at me.
  "You know it.. but when dipper took me, why didn't you take me back? Why did you let him just take me?" She asked, propping herself up on her arm. I shrugged.
"Eh.. why? I was saving the fun for will. we don't want you to go liking me, now would we?" She smiled at will who was sitting on the arm of my chair. Will blushed.
    "W-well.. I wouldn't of judged. She's your friend too, but t-thanks as well. I actually enjoyed it, even though I might s-still be afraid of the twins.." he smiled. I rose an eyebrow, looking at Y/N.
"Sure about me being her friend, blue?" Y/N shot up from the carpet.
"Bill! Your so mean!" She started to wimp out, and slap my arm with both hands, like the girl she is. I chuckled.
"Oh, no! There's a girl attacking me! What shall I do?" I mocked. Will nudged me it the rib.
"Hey.. be nice. She's just a girl!" She looked at will now.
"Really? Just a girl? I am the girl who likes you! I am your best friend! I am your new life! I am-" will laughed, hugging her.
"I'm just kidding, N/N. you are more than a girl to me." My eyes widened as I looked away.
"Woah, will! What have you been doing with her lately?!" I exclaimed, putting my hands up, waving them around. Will blushed.
"Not like that, bill." He groaned bushing. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever..Ugh. I liked it better when you weren't being mushy. At least you were attempting to be mean!" I got up, and walked away.
   "Wow, bill. What's wrong? you demand me to hug you all the time!" Y/N asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, because it's not like Will is afraid of hugging me! I only ask for hugs, not to be mushy." I commented. Will let her out of the embrace they're in.
"What? I try to hug you all the time, you just stop me." Will gave me a 'liar' face. I smiled sarcastically.
"Whatever you say, willy."

Reader chan pov)

I turned to will. "I think I'll go for a walk in the woods." Will held my arm.
"Uh. Can I come?" He glanced at bill too. "And bill?" I grinned.
"I was hoping you'd ask that." I grabbed his and bill's arms. We filed out of the house. Tad called after me.
"Uh.. where ya going?" Bill turned around.
"To be awesome." He said, lazily as he didn't care to explain. Tad shrugged.
"Since I don't wanna be the person that has to take the role of that stupid goat again... I'll come too." He said, inviting himself, and running up behind me. "Let's go!!" He cheered. We all left the house again.


I sat down on a bent tree next to the waterfall. As I took my drawing pad/clipboard out, I started drawing the beautiful landscape in front of me, debating on wether or not I should put the three curious boys on the bank, where they were all crouched now, picking out cool rocks from the stream bed. I decided to do them. It'll only put more detail. As I started to draw what I saw, will secretly looked up at me, smiling softly.

Will's pov)

I looked over in bill's hands, where he was holding a smooth, sparkly rock in his hands, as he cleaned it in the cool water. I looked up at Y/N. She was drawing quietly, looking up every now and then to take in more detail to add to her work of art. I smiled. She was so pretty.. her hair was catching the breeze perfectly. She was sitting with her knees close to her chest, having her drawing pad/clipboard leaned against her legs. She was softly smiling, as she was enjoying everything. She was just perfect. I just wish I could tell her what I think about her.. but curse my shyness! I felt a nudge on my arm, and looked over at the source. Bill was smirking at me, and nudging me, I looked at him.
"um, you two having a staring contest or something?" I looked back to Y/N. She was a blushing mess, and was staring back at me. I blushed too.
"S-sorry. I was z-zoned out.. I wasn't t-trying to Freak you o-out. If I did, I'm sorry." I said, rubbing my neck. She giggled.
"Its okay. I figured that's what happened." She said softly, smiling like a madman. I looked down, at the streambed, trying to hide my huge grin. She looked down, giggling. She held her clipboard up to her face, smiling behind it, and biting her lip. Suddenly, I just lost it, and started laughing. She did too.
"That was funny! Your face was cute too! It was all," She did a dazed look at me for about three seconds, before sticking her tongue out at me, and going back to her drawing. I laughed.
"Well sorry.." I faked being annoyed. She smiled.
"You're cute, William Cipher." I smiled.
"Thanks, F/N L/N." I said back, before coming and sitting by her on the bent/fallen tree she was sitting on. She showed me her work so far.
"Does it look good?" I looked up at her from her drawing. She smiled awkwardly. I hugged her tightly.
   "Its amazing!!" I squealed." She blushed.
"Well.. it can't be that good yet!" She giggled.
"But it is." I smiled. She giggled. Suddenly, she eyed something, and set her stuff down, hopping off her perch.
"hey, look at this guys!" She got on her hands and knees, and put a hand into the water, steadying something. I got down too. As I went up to her low figure, I saw a small, beautiful light blue rock in the bottom of the stream. It shimmered as the soft, pulsing water traveled over it. Tad and bill stared at it.
"Its pretty dang cool! Good find, kid!" Bill laughed. Y/N smiled and dipped her other hand into the water, softly grabbing it. As she pulled it up out of the water, it sparkled, and shined as the water dripped off. I smiled at her.
"Its really pretty! I don't know how I didn't see it." I smiled, happy for her.
"It reminds me of you, willy." She commented as she sat down on the ground, softly stroking the dirt off of it. I smiled back at her, kneeling in front of her.
"And it reminds me of you, cause it looks like a gem." She looked up at me, handing it to me.
"it'll be ours. Mine and yours. Connect us." I smiled.
"That sounds like a good idea." I helped her up, softly grabbing the stone from her.
"Let's go home, guys." She told the other two. They whined, standing up.
"Aw..Okay." They said, pulling on their shoes. Me and Y/N  held hands, and walked in front of the others. I heard bill fake growl at tad behind us, reminding me what i wanted to ask him earlier. I turned around looking at my brother. "A-also. Why do you suddenly turn into a monster whenever you're mad or trying to get us somewhere? Why not just teleport us?" I asked. He shrugged. "Just wanna be dramatic I guess. And it's more fun anyway. Makes me feel more mighty."  Bill shrugs. I smile back along with Y/N, turning forward again. "Okay.."

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now