chapter 4. A Break

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Your pov )

I was limping out of the performance tent, with will by my side, supporting me.
"T-third d-day's a c-charm." I said, coughing into my free arm. As I looked at it, it was red, and vibrant. Blood. I trued to hide my arm, hiding it behind my body, wiping it on my old outfit I was wearing. Will looked over at me, with drowsiness still spread over his vision, But when he saw the blood on my arm and outfit, he came back into full consiousness.
"a-ah! Y/N!" He freaked, as he picked me up, bridal style, and raced me to his small, but comfy tent.

As he sat me on his bed, he started to lace Power into me. All I could do was watch in pain, and horror. I could see everything getting illuminated. I felt nauseous all of the sudden. I wasn't able to talk, as I started coughing. Everything suddenly faded into black.

Two hours later )

My eyes opened slowly, and I got scared.
"W-Will!!" I yelled. Someone suddenly ran into the room, and jumped on me, making me hiss in pain.
"O-oh! You're o-okay!" That stutter.. will! My arms found themselves wrapping around his waist.
"Will! What happened?" He got off me. "Oh. W-well you p-passed out from b-blood loss. So I f-fixed you... and m-maybe made you i-immortal." He twisted his pointer fingers against each other shyly. My eyes widened.
"Thank you! Wait.. I'm immortal now?" I asked in excitement. He looked up at me from his gaze at the cot I was resting on.
"I-i really don't know.. I was healing you, and a purple light came out of my hands. I was using every good spell I have, and It looked very much like the purple light that happened when I saw my friend, tad become immortal.." I smiled.

"I know! I'll go test it out!" I stood quickly, ran outside, climbed up a tree, and stood, tipping off the branch I was on. As I fell, Will gasped, and ran underneath me. He caught me, with a small grunt.
"I-i don't t-think that's a good idea.. what if It w-wasn't an immortal s-spell?" I shrugged.
"Then I'd be dead. Big deal. so what? At least I wouldn't have to get hurt anymore.." I stated bluntly. He looked hurt.
"t-then I'd never f-forgive myself.. t-that's what. A-and if you di-did die, I'd be a-a-alone again.." he teared up, lowering his face, to be laying on my stomach, as he sobbed. I sighed, patting his head.
"Okay, okay.. Sorry. Can you put me down now?" I asked, feeling that he was squishing me to death. He nodded slowly, as he bent down to set me on my feet.
"Y-yeah. Sorry. I w-was just so s-scared!" I smiled softly.
"I'm sorry I just think it would be extremely cool if I can't get hurt, or die." I said. Will let go of around my body, letting me stand alone completely.
"W-well.. there's d-different, safer w-ways to test t-that out.." he brought me back to his tent, and we sat down on his cot again. He closed his eyes, and leaned forward, propping his head up on his arms, as he faced his head downward.
"Uh.. what are you doing?" He smiled a little, not responding. I was about to ask him again, but felt a peaceful presence in my mind before I could.

"Woah.. what are you doing?" I asked quietly. He opened his eyes, looking at me. They were glowing blue.
"Ahh!" I yelled, jumping. He grabbed my arms softly, rubbing them with his thumbs.
"Its okay.. I'm seeing If you are immortal." He said in a soothing voice. I calmed down. His eyes faded into their normal baby blue again. I looked at him, curiously.
"So?" He looked down sadly, then back up at me, eyes widened in joy.
"Yeah. You are!" He said excitedly. I smiled bigger.
"Yay! We can be together forever!" I hugged him around his neck. He flinched.
"Um. Y-you're w-welcome..?" I looked at him, letting go.
"What's wrong?" I asked, feeling like I did something wrong. He smiled a little.
"H-hah.. it's n-nothing.. I j-just h-haven't been h-hugged for...... a-a long t-time." I bit my lip.
"Well.." I wrapped him in a tight hug again.
"That's sad.. just remember that I care for you, And I'll never let go." I whispered into his soft sweater. I felt his heart start hitting against his ribcage, which was against my face. He exhaled, his voice shaking. I could tell he was blushing.
"O-oh. T-thanks.. u-um.." he started to breathe heavily. I looked up at him. He was blushing, and tears were slowly rolling down his cheeks.
"What? what's wrong?" I asked, Cocking my head. He looked away, shaking his head.
"I-i have just never even thought I would ever hear those words again in my life." Will cried. I smiled.
"Well, you did, and I'll make sure that you never stop hearing those words." He smiled, and wrapped me in a hug.

"T-thank y-you! Thank y-you so m-much!" I laughed, and before I could say anything more, I got slapped from behind. As I yelped, and cried into Will's sweater, I heard Master Tyrone growl.
"Hey! You two lovebirds! We're going out! Keep this place clean, or you will be punished!" I jumped, as his harshness, making will look at the 18 year old who just slapped me.
"Yes, Master Tyrone..." he said as I could hear a slight growl in his voice. Apparently, master Tyrone didn't hear the hint of growl in his voice, because he left, mumbling mean things I can't say about us. Will looked down at me.
"I'm sorry that he hurt you.. are you okay?" He asked, hugging me, and rubbing my back where Tyrone hit me. I clutched his sweater crying quietly.
"I-i just wish I c-could use t-that amulet, and abuse h-him like he d-does to us!" I blubbered. Will hugged me close.
"I-i know, I know.. b-but we c-can't. If I could get u-us out of here, a-and get us s-somewhere that we c-can't be found.." he didn't finish his sentence, because he had let go of me and sat down on his cot, burying his face in his hands, and sighing sadly. I looked at his slouched figure. "Why can't you?" I asked quietly. He shook his head, as I sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around him.
"T-they have a t-tracking d-device on m-me. A-a-and then I get c-chained against the wall, in their mansion, and g-get hurt. T-they enjoy it t-too. I can tell h-how they look and g-grin at me wh-while doing it, th-that they c-c...couldn't c-care less a-about h-hurting me.." he sobbed. I looked at him.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." I said, laying my head on his shoulder. He forced a small laugh.

"o-oh, no its f-fine. I'm u-used to it, and being a-able to heal automatically is an a-advant-tage." I smiled.
"Yeah.. wait, does that mean that I'll heal automatically too? And I can't get hurt as much?" I asked. He nodded.
"Y-yeah. And I-i don't want to lose you. You're m-my only company t-that c-cares about me.. and the o-nly one I've c-cared about in t-this way.. also since you're the only company I've ever had..." he blushed, and tried to hide it. I blushed too, as an awkward silence spread over us. I stayed silent for a moment before sighing happily as I blushed too.

"I-i like you too.. more than a friend.. I'm glad I'm that important to you." I said kissing his cheek, and standing up.
"I guess I'll go clean up, so we don't get hurt." I let go of his hand, as I walked away, leaving him a blushing mess.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now