chapter 17. 'showing them'

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Reader's pov)

I held Will's hand, as we walked. He looked nervous.
"I'm not that sure we should be walking through the forest at this time.." will causiously looked around. It was nighttime in gravity falls now. I giggled.
"Oh, c'mon.. it's not that bad." I smiled, and looked at him. He looked at me.
"Y-you're l-lucky I'm not b-bill, ca-cause if he saw a zombie, h-he would do one of two things.. p-push you down and r-run, or destroy all l-life sources around where it w-was." I laughed, clutching my stomach.
"Haha.. I'm guessing you have experience with that?" He nodded, sighing, closing his eyes.

"S-sadly yes." I giggled, leaning on his shoulder. Suddenly, I let go of his arm, and climbed up a tree. He looked around, quickly.
"Y-Y/N? Where'd y-you go?" And I swear I heard him whisper,
"I-i told y-you this h-hick town was d-dangerous.." I giggled, waiting until he walked underneath me, to drop onto his shoulders. Once I did, He screeched as I threw my hands over his eyes. He was about to start crying before I softly hugged him, and calmed him down, telling him sweet nothings and that it was just me. After he calmed down, he turned his head, to look at me who was still on his shoulders.

"W-Why do you take pleasure in scaring m-me like that?" He asked. I kissed him softly on the cheek.
"Cause you're cute." He sighed, wiping his excess tears from his eyes.
"Y-you're going to give me a heart attack one of these times. That won't be cute." He sighed sadly. I chuckled, covering it with a fake cough.
"S-sorry, cutie. It-it's just fun. It's in my n-nature." He put me down, clinging to my arm.
"Its scary here." I patted his head. He closed his eyes. Slowly but surely, I saw a light in the distance, as if a flashlight was shining from a source. I dared not alert will, so I just eyeballed it. It suddenly swung around landing on me and Will. Will jumped, and stared at the light like a deer in headlights. I stared at it too, trying to figure out what it was from. I saw the metal of a flashlight around the edge of the source, solving that question. But.. who Was holding it? That soon got answered too, when it was lowered, and two small figures looked back at us.

"Y/N? Will? You scARed us!" I heard a small voice call, as the voice cracked. I could recognize that voice!
"Dipper? Mabel?" They ran to us. Mabel hugged me.
"Did we scare you?" She asked softly. I shook my head.
"You could never scare me, but will looked terrified." I laughed. They looked to will who was looking at me, kind of embarrassed.
"Sorry.. bill just likes to scare me with stories about all the deadly creatures out here. I don't know how dipper and mabel can be out here alone like this.." They shrugged.
"We got it from..genetics of someone.. enough said." Dipper rubbed his arm. I giggled.
"So, why you guys out here?" I asked. They smiled.
"Glow in the dark minerals. For our room. Turns out waddles is afraid of the dark, go figure. Mabel insisted, so here we are." Dipper looked up at the sky shaking his head. Me and will giggled lightly.
"Sounds like her." I smiled. Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Yah know it.. so what you guys doing out here?" He asked. I chuckled.

"You might wanna ask willy over here." I said, wiggling him. Will sighed.
"B-but it's a long story. . B-basically bill and the others wanted to do s-some business, without having to worry about u-us, when they went to do something. So they left us here. We decided to ma-make the best of it, and go for a walk." I smiled.
"He put it in the nicest words, when it was something that made him pretty depressed." I said, giggling. Dipper and mabel nodded. Will crossed his arms, looking away. "I-i was n-not.."
The twins smiled and looked back at me. "Sad. How long is bill going to be gone?" I sighed.
"To be frank, for a couple weeks." Will nodded.
"Aaaaaannnnd.... it's not only bill who went." The twins looked confused.
"What?" They asked. I sighed.
"M-might as well sit down.." Will mumbled. we found a log.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now