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Welp..... this is depressing.. this book is over.. 😢 ya know what I say to that? NEIN. Any suggestions? I'd be happy to do any of those buggers. This book seems too short. Only Thirty....seven.....friggin chappies..! Including A/Ns. Too short, boi! But I really don't have anything else I wanna do on this. It's already going along so well, on veiws, stars and comments! I'll just *sets it down I moldy corner*..... leave this here casually... yeh. I hope you guys liked this story and traveling along with me through this adventure! I definitely liked it! It's was fun. Be sure to keep up with all my other stories. Still have six other ones to keep up with. 😂 ahh! *grumbles and dies into a puddle that smells like if Death could barf. (stan quotes 👍) anywho... agh. I'm cryin... Jeez Em.. pull yourself together! *slaps meself* well.. see ya in my other bookies! Remember you're a bruised warrior. You can do anything! And if you need someone to talk to.. I'm here. I know how it all feels. 😕 believe me. *sighs while having an existential crisis* yeh. Anyway, love ya, comment, star, and view.. and plz share! Also.. something huge I have to mention.. I'VE GOTTEN SO MANY FRICKING AWARDS!! For one, it's #49 in WillCipher!! And many more!! And it's gotten more then a million veiws on this!! Omgobble!! You guys ROCK 😀 I legit almost have another heart attack when I realize I have a bunch of new views, and follows, and tags, and awards!! Oh.. my... good... heck!! Yaas! I'm so happy. Imma just..*wraps you guys individually in a warm, hour long hug*!! jeg elsker deg guys!! (Norwegian for I Love You) So flicking much!!  👊😘 I just wanted to say. Thank you so much for everything! Hecc! Thanks!! I can't be happy enough. I am not physically able to emit happiness, and being excited. (Ask my friends! 😂 this, and my friends are what keep me alive.) Anyway again, JEG ELSKER DEG. see you guys in my other bookies!

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now