chapter 20. Sleep and sly

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Reader's pov a couple weeks later)

I was laying on Will's lap, watching (insert scary movie). Will was holding tightly onto my arm the whole time. "Oh. It's not that bad.." I reassured him. 'Bad time' I mentally told myself, as (insert bloody/scary scene here) happened. will and I screamed. Will hid, clutching my waist, as he shifted, laying on me now. "I-i'm scared!!" He yelled. I sighed, realizing we were In a awkward position. "Um, will.. I'm kinda.." he looked at me, then blushed. "Oh! I'm sorry!" He sat back up, pulling me onto his lap again. Soon the movie ended. I rolled over, facing upward. I looked at will. He was asleep. "Willy.. ugh. Dang your strong grip!" I whisper shouted, realizing i was still clutched tightly to his body.. Today is the day the others are coming home, and if they saw that I was stuck on his lap, they'd tease me, and wake will up. I sighed, scooting up on him, until I was sitting on his lap. I laid on his shoulder, and tried to rest. 'Please don't come home, yet guys..' I chanted, eyes growing tired I fell asleep.

A while later..

I woke up, sleepily. As I looked up to see if will was asleep, I heard a hushed voice. "She's awake.. good going bozo.." I kind of ignored it, looking up at will. He was looking down at me quietly, with a soft blank expression. It was actually quite attractive. I could tell he noticed I'd woken up. "Hey, will." I said. He smiled, blinking. "Hi.. the guys are home.. sorry that bill's loudness woke you up." He apologized. I smiled. "Actually I didn't even hear him.." he giggled. "Wow. I couldn't even sleep through them coming home.." I stretched, looking around. The other three were either sitting on the couch, or the ground. They all looked at us. "Hi Y/N! Had a good sleep?" They all said. I smiled back. "Hi guys. And yeah I had a good sleep. thanks for asking." They nodded, going back to what they were doing. I looked back at will, wrapping my arms around his neck. "When did they get home?" I asked. He bit his lip, thinking. "About an hour and a half ago.." I blushed. "So they've been watching me sleep on you this whole time?" I Asked, nervously. He chuckled, blushing. "Not exactly." I stood. "Well, I'm up now. Nothing to see here." I commented. Will stood with me. "Y-you're silly." He giggled. I beeped his nose. "Isn't that my job?" He blushed. Belle stood up, pinching his cheek. "Aw.. I haven't ever seen will blush.. only cry." I giggled. "Oh.. it's actually switched around with me. He blushes more than cries.." She smiled. "Good for him." She said, patting his back, and booked it up the stairs. "C'mon, broseph! Let's go play some 'human games'!" She mocked bill. He glared, flying after her. "Ohoho, you're going to get it now, B." He chuckled, following her. Tad ran behind bill, up the left staircase. "Wait for me!" He called, rushing his step. Me and will were alone again. I smiled with my eyes closed. "Well. It's as if we're alone again.." he smiled. "How does (favorite movie) sound?" I smirked. "You know me so well.." I said slyly, jumping on his back. "Onward!" He giggled, galloping toward the couch. "As you wish, my queen." He joked back. I rolled my eyes.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now