chapter 27. Baby attack

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(Now. before you get some.. weird ideas... don't. This just what I did in my previous bill cipher X Reader book, it's the same thing. K? Kay! Onward!)

Bill's pov)

I walked out of my room, jumping back, and studying the scene in front of me. Y/N was laughing, laying on the ground as will pawed at her, whining. He was.... a baby. So was Tad, and Belle. Belle was sitting on her butt, looking down at herself. Tad was struggling to stand. I held back a giggle, biting my fist. "Hm.. having a Babygeddon there, Cupcake?" I asked, smiling. Will looked up, and whined, walking to me, and putting his arms up. I picked him up. "What happened to you, Bro? Malfunction of the core?" I asked, laughing. He looked down, and tears filled his eyes. something then hit me. I could resist his baby like crying before, but since he was an actual baby now, I actually felt.....bad. he wiped his eyes, as he looked at me sadly.

*blub* "Y-you need t-to help m-me.. p'eas?" He asked In such a small, innocent voice. I smiled down at him.
"Sure, baby bro." Tad and Belle were now stood up, and in Y/N's arms. She looked at me, biting her bottom lip.
"But they're so cute, Bill!" She snuggled the other two to her cheeks. They giggled, as their fuzz leaned on her cheek. I smirked.
"I know. At least when you call will 'baby' now, you'll actually make sense." I laughed. Will looked at me.
"I want Y/N now.." he whined. I rolled my eyes. "Ya better put the babies down now, doll. You got will coming over." She set the other two down in my yellow chair, leaning over to pick Will's little body up. Once she picked him up, he grabbed her face and snuggled it. She giggled.
"You can turn the other two back, but leave me my little crybaby." She teased. He sulked.

"Awh. You're so mean." Will said. I giggled. I smiled, and snapped. All three of the others turned into their human forms. Will was still in Y/N's arms when he turned back. She sent me a panicked
face, before toppling over. Will fell on top of her, holding himself up off of her, both a blushing mess.
"I-i'm so sorry! U-um.. sorry." He whispered causiously, and kneeled above her, standing back up, and helping her. Y/N looked at me. "Why didn't you leave him as a baby?" She asked. I shrugged. "Its easier to turn them back all together." I said, clicking my tongue at them, then looked over to my sister, and my friend. Tad pecked Belle's cheek, making her blush and hug his face against hers. I looked down, sighing.. supposedly, I was jealous.. I need to ask F/N over..

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now