random oneshot for no reason!!

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Random oneshot!!!!)
Y/N's Pov)

I was sitting lazily on the couch, texting bill, and will. They were out shopping.... for me, I guess?

Bill: wyd?

Me: texting you.. lol

Bill: lol

Me: are you done shopping?

Bill: yea. Y?

Me: I'm just bored not being able to yell at you guys.. #dying inside

Bill: weirdo. Will said that

Me: sweet. Where are you guys now?

Bill: close enough. Now come open the door.. we've been waiting for a minute now.

Me: oh you sly dogs.. hold a minute. I'm upstairs.

Bill: sure.. cause I can text and hold all your human food for longer than I need to..

Me: so-rry.. here. . Jeez

I unlocked the door. Bill walked in, past me. "There's more in Will's hands. Help him out will ya?" I nodded, grabbing half of the groceries will was struggling with. "oh. Thanks, Y/N." I smiled sweetly. "You're welcome cutie. And thanks for getting me my favorite food." Will blushed.  Bill turned around. "What? I get no credit?" He pouted. I sighed. "Thank you bill." He beamed. "Your welcome, kind steed." I rolled my eyes. "So I'm a steed now.." he smirked. "Apparently." Bill shrugged. I closed my eyes. "Oi vei.." i said quietly. Will smiled for a moment before pushing a bag full of items into my chest softly. I looked down into the bag, seeing lots of my favorite snack items. As I looked up to thank him, he nodded towards the bag silently. I smiled a little, taking it from his hands. Bill noticed how quiet we were being, glancing over his shoulder. "What are you two loons doing? Playing a silent game of conversation?" He asked, glancing at us once again, shaking his head as he laughed at us softly. I looked away from wills face, to his brother, as I giggled. "No.. He just wanted to hand me the snacks he got me." I smiled. Bill rolled his eyes. "Okay. You guys are planning something I swear." He responded, unbagging the groceries. I looked and Will before slipping past him to sit at the table and eat some crackers. "So I bet you guys were feeling awkward without me, huh?" I asked, giggling. They looked at me now. Will blushed. "Yeah. But I got told I was cute though!" Will exclaimed happily. I smiled, tossing him a cookie. "Good for you, cutie." I said. He caught the cookie, nibbling it. Bill left to go to his room so I was left to put the groceries away. As I got up to put them away, will stopped me, snapping, the cupboards and fridge suddenly filled. I smile at him. "So why you doing everything for me?" I asked. He shrugged softly. "Well you always have to do everything.. So. I wanted to do something for you for a change." He said. I hugged him. "Thanks William." I said. He nodded. "You're welcome.." He said shyly. I smiled in response. By now we had sat down, eating a bunch of snacks while watching TV. My life is awesome.
(This is my first ever oneshot!! Woo! Comment on how I did.)

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now