chapter 6. A Long Waited Reunion

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Bills pov)

I disappeared, and repeapeared in reverse falls. Since I was invisible, I floated down main street. The reverse version of Llama walked past me, as she looked down at a blue journal, talking to Her cousin, Gideon Pines with a confused face. her cousin stalked alongside her, his face turned downward, as he shook his head, speaking inaudible words. Ah, it was good to be back.. i smirked. Then slowly, i turned the corner, coming to a huge mansion. The tent of Telapathy wasn't too far away from it as it was staked down, with VIP gates leading to the entrance. I floated to the small tents behind the Telapathy tent.

"Oh, willyyyyyyy!" I called out, nonchalantly. As I went up to the door of will's tent, a female's head popped out, looking around, but to no avail, not being able to locate me. I chuckled, becoming visible in a snap. The girl jumped, and ran to Will's side for protection.
"Ah, brother.. I see you've met a girl." I said. He looked at me.
"Bill. H-hi.. eternity, n-no see.." he said, hugging his female to his side.
"Why hello." I ignored Will, and instead looked at the girl who I knew as Y/N. She backed up.
"Y-you're his brother that he talks s-so much about?" She asked. I smiled.
"Well, I'm flattered. I didn't know he talked about me that much.. I guess I am a good example. But yes, I'm his brother." Will looked down.

"Not a good example, just an example." Will said quietly. I looked at him up and down. He was in his human form.
"Well. I didn't know we were having a dress up party, or else I would've brought my game.. oh, well. I guess this'll have to do." I snapped, and changed to my human body.
"Ah. Now I'm ready." The girl stared at me.

Readers pov)

"Ah. Now I'm ready." Bill sighed, and looked down at me. I looked at Bill up and down. He looked too much like Will. He was in a yellow, brick patterned, jacket. A grey shirt was peeking out of it, as it was halfway zipped up. Black slacks were hugging his hips, and legs. Black gloves were tightly fitted against his hands perfectly, without a crease. A small top hat was floating lopsided next to his head. His hair looked like Will's, but it was a sandy blonde. He was smirking at me. His forehead had a red eye on it, with a line diagonally through it. He was looking at me with piercing blue eyes, like Will's but darker.
"Like what you see?" Bill asked, shoving his hands in his pockets, and leaning forward, grinning. I glared at him, looking at him, with a scrunched up face.
"N-no.. g-gross.." I stuttered. He laughed.
"Oh.. you don't need to act. I know you think I'm hot. You can't get past me. If you think it, I know it. Anywho, william! How you been, little bro?" He walked up to will, slapping his back. Will looked up at him, looking a little annoyed.
"F-fine. How's your rein of judgment?" Will asked, looking forward again, avoiding eye contact. Bill walked away from him.

"Nice, but it'll soon get better." (This is before the Weirdmaggedon happened.)
"And you, Y/N. How did you meet my wimpy brother?" I glared.
"He's not a wimp. He's actually stronger than most people you'll meet." I growled. He smirked.
" So he's stronger than me? I doubt it! He can barely come up with a comeback, without crying his little eyes out.." he retorted. I hugged Will's arm.
"I didnt say-.... ugh, I already don't like you." I groaned. Bill grinned back at me, chuckling darkly.
"Thats fine with me. I'm already not liked by a lot of people.." he winked at me. I felt a surge of anger go through my body. He then turned toward Will again.

"Anywho, let's get to the point. I came to help you. Or as you could say, take you back.. but it'll be difficult to do, since I wasn't expecting there to be an extra person.." he looked at me. I rolled my eyes, now speaking.
"So, what? Are you just going to give up then?" He smiled. "If you desire.." he purred. my eyes narrowed. Will stepped foreward.
"i-if you don't take h-her, I'm not g-going." He said as bitterly as he could. Bill looked offended.
"Well, I was going to take her too.. but since you don't trust me enough to actually have some good in me, I might as well be taking my leave.. good day." He went to snap, but will stopped him.
"S-sorry.. s-sorry. Just g-get us o-out o-of this p-place.." bill smirked, outstretching his hand.

"Deal" will took his hand, and then grabbed mine. Bill chanted a couple quick words, and we were in a greyscape. Will let go of both of our hands, and smiled at me.
"woah.." I marveled. bill turned around, looking at me, and chuckled, spreading out his arms around him, smirking devilishly.

"Welcome to the Dreamscape, kid."

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now