chapter 26. Sweet Escape

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Bill's pov)

I groaned, holding my leg. "And I thought. *groan* that I tied you to a stake in the lighting." I arched my back standing pushing against the dirt, slowly standing up. "Y'know, I could really go for a Sizzled Gleeful right about now.." I said, staring at him. He growled, ignoring me, and walking toward Will, and Doll. "I wouldn't do that.." I warned. He looked at me, menacingly.
"And why not? It's not like you can do anything about it.. from what i can see, you're injured." He smirked triumphantly. I stared at him, glaring. I started to heal my leg. I looked into his wide, shocked eyes, seeing my reflection of my leg as the peices of flesh started bonding again. His smug look faded as he watched my leg fix. I quit slouching, and walked up to him now all the way fixed and in good health.
"Hm?" I asked. He looked up at me.
"How-" he started asking. I brought my arm back, clocking him in the face. Headband came running up to me, throwing down the chain that was keeping will back. At the raising of the hand, I suspended her in air, making her amulet disappear. She suddenly felt her headband, obviously aware of what I'd done. She started yelling but since she was in a time bubble, I couldn't hear a word she said. Will stood quickly, sliding the chain off. He grabbed Y/N's hand, taking off running.
"Tad! Get them home!! Belle, you open the vessel!" My sister and tad nodded quickly, befire taking hold of the two's arms. They shook their heads, pulling their arms away. "We aren't leaving you!!" Y/N yelled. I sighed loudly. "Then.... hide! Do something!" I yelled, preoccupied by trying to keep the teenage male at a distance. They went and hid behind a rock. Tad and Belle looked at me, waiting for a command I motioned for them to keep watch of the two. They flew/slithered toward will and Y/N, making a translucent barrier around the four of them. Burning Tree started to trudge up to them, muttering a spell to disarm their sheild. I stopped him. "Oh, no you don't!" I grabbed his arm. He looked to me, still chanting. I could see the barrier start to flicker, as they failed to keep it from fading. I turned toward the brat in front of me, growling as I swung my arm at him. Burning Tree pounced at me, hitting my arm out of the way. I put my arm down, easily dodging his attack. "You'll have to do better than that, if you want to get anywhere in life, Burning Tree." I smirked. He groaned, throwing a punch. I caught it with my hand, twisting it downward, making him grimace. "Where did you even get your last name from?? You don't even smile. It doesn't make sense." I said, punching his nose. He growled, holding his nose, and going to uppercut my jaw. I held a hand up with ease, shooting out some fire, making his hand fly to the right before it even touched me. I thoroughly enjoyed this, obviously letting him know that fact through a wide smirk. I love how nasty I can be.

"Shut up!!" He yelled, wiping the trickle of blood from his nose. I kicked him in the stomach, ignoring him.
"Oh, that's right! You got it from a little, 10 year old!! That explains a lot, why you're such a crybaby. Talk about reining supreme. Sheesh." I mumbled, knocking him down, looking up, as I saw the other four's barrier had been disarmed. I looked at the male I was currently fighting, before grabbing his amulet and crushing it, making his face pale, as he went limp, crumbling to the ground. "Oh, well would you look at that?? I think I better take my leave, little guy. Adios!" I yelled, winking, and getting down on all fours, and running toward Will and Y/N. As I ran toward them, I turned into my huge piramid form again. As I went up to them, they hurriedly climbed onto my shoulder. I picked them up, putting them in the spot Doll was a while ago. All while running on my other four arms, slowly healing my leg. Since my leg was still aching, I didn't feel like using it. Belle and tad were on either side of me, tad flying off the ground above the trees, and belle was making her way through the wooded ground.  Once we came up to the huge cliff again, my middle section that Blueberry, and Pink were meshed together, spun making them fall down. Will yelled out. "But..! Your leg!! You won't make it!" Y/N yelled. I inhaled, "don't say that! I'm a demon!" I said back. I jumped over the huge gap, realizing I would miss the other side. I went short, making the two with me scream in fear. "quiet!" I hissed in frustration, catching myself like a spider on the drop of the cliff. I climbed up, and got onto the flat ground again. "See? Now if I wanted to kill you guys, I would've done it already." I said, morphing back into my human form, and sitting on the ground, huffing, as I clutched my leg, watching as Tad's dragon form picked up belle and carried her over the cliff, softly setting her down, in front of us three. They turned back into humans, belle kneeling on the ground, and tad fell out of the air, toppling over himself, as he summersaulted to a stop. The other two had fallen out of the air, onto the ground by now, breathing heavily. "A damaged leg won't do anything to me.." I said, breathy laughs escaping my mouth.  will looked at me shocked. "I-i thought I w-was g-going to di-die!" He cried. I rolled my eyes. "Well, you're still alive, aren't you?" I asked. They sighed, softly smiling. "Yeah. Thanks." They said. I smiled back. "Ah, There's the thanks.." I stood. "Now what do you say we get back to the Mindsion, eh?" They nodded. I snapped.

Time skip)

"So... the Gleefuls...?" Y/N asked. I looked at her. "What about them?" I asked, flashing her a debonair smirk. "What happened to them?" I sighed. "Well, let's just say, one is trapped in a timeless void until I let her out. And the other is wallowing in self pity, having second thoughts about his name." I smiled with my eyes closed. I heard a chuckle from Tad. "Ah, Bill Cipher. Always having to overdo things." He smiled. I clicked my tongue, winking and pointing at Tad. "Guilty as charged."

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now