Chapter 29. Tying the knot

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Reader's pov)

Looking at my phone clock, I sighed, snuggling into bill's sweater as I laid on his lap. Will had left somewhere before I even woke up, and bill had fallen asleep on the couch, Tad and Belle were still asleep. And the house was silent except for bills soft breaths I heard above me. Eyes closed, my fingers found the power button on my phone, switching it off with a small noise. I was admittedly pretty nervous. What if he got taken back? What if the masters found him? I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up, tears stinging my eyes. I grabbed bill's collar, shaking him. He woke up with a start. "Wha-! What's wrong, doll?" He asked, his wide golden eyes staring into mine. I started feeling sick. "Where's your brother??" I said, nervously. Bill's eyes softened, pulling me against his chest, as he wrapped his arms around me. "He went...out." I turned to him. "Where?" I demanded. He looked guilty for a split second. "Well it's a...surprise." he hesitated. I sighed, wiping my eyes. "Bill... i... ugh. At least tell me he didn't get captured." I asked desperately. He looked down then up at me, eyes glowing brighter in yellow, signaling he's telling the truth. "He didn't. I promise." He said. I sighed in relief. "Okay. I know you are." He smiled a little. "Oh? You trust me that much?" I smiled back. "No. Your eyes glowed brighter." He closed his eyes. "..right. demon sense." I settled down on bills lap again, grabbing his hat, and laying down again. He watched me, then looked up.

I looked to where he was looking, and suddenly the door opened. I didn't even have to see who it was to know will was back. I jumped up, running down/up the stairs to the door. I saw will but he wasn't alone. Tyrone held his neck, and mabel pushed him from behind. I glared. Bill came up behind me, growling too. "How'd you get in here? You brats!" He hissed. Tyrone rolled his eyes. "Your brother is easy to persuade." Bill walked up to him. "Yes. But he's also very smart." Bill snapped, and the holes in Mabel's and Tyrone's faces rearranged. They started screaming. I took a step backward, unlatching the chain around Will's neck. He rushed to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. Bill snapped again and waved, teleporting them out of the dreamscape. When he turned around I hit him. "You lied to me.." I glared. He blinked a couple times. "well. Sorry. I can't sense anything about what Will's doing only everything that's happening around will. Not including entering the dreamscape." He rubbed his chest where I punched him. I rolled my eyes, turning to Will. "Sorry babe. Are you okay?" He nodded. "I'm fine. Are you okay. I figured that you'd be nervous." I kissed his cheek. "I'm just glad you're okay." I smiled softly. He held my hand, and led me to the living room. He turned to bill. "Can you go wake the other two up? And get the twins from gravity falls?" Bill nodded, smirking between us. I looked at Will. "May I ask why?" He smiled at me, blushing slightly. "T-this is i-import-tant."

Tad, and Belle all came out of the hallway, and bill disappeared and reappeared quickly with rhe twins. I raised an eyebrow. "why-?" Will suddenly let go of my hand, and kneeled down, shaking a little bit. I was confused until he looked up at me. Then it hit me. I started crying, and covered my mouth. "Oh, will.." he started to gather tears too. "Y/N, L/N....will you do me the honor of being my wife?" He asked, not stuttering at all. I laughed, noticing Tad and Belle were gawking, not expecting it either. Mabel was crying too, and dipper was grinning. I started crying and got down on my knees, and hugged him. "Y-yes!" mabel squealed. "S-scrapbookoportunity..!" She muttered, taking a picture of us as we kissed. I could barely even believe thus was happening

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now