chapter 11. Gravity falls?

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Bill's pov)

The next morning, I stood from my work desk.
"Ah..might as well go see what those pines twins are up to." After turning around, I almost fell back in shock, instead leaning back, and gripping the table behind me. Y/N was standing there, making it seem she was watching me work. She looked a up at me, and giggled.
"What? Did I scare you?" She laughed. I shook my head.
"Nope. O-of course not, silly. Demons don't get scared.... But no particular reason I'm asking this but um, how long have you been standing there?" I asked, breathing deeply. She shrugged.
"Dunno. I just got up some hours ago to ask if I could get a drink, and found you working on something. So I sat and watched you for a while." I looked around, then at her, concerned. "Thats....kinda creepy, (Zodiac sign or Z/S)" She giggled.
"hehe. Sorry, bill. It's just one of my hobbies to craft things." I stood straight again.
"Well, next time just.. tell me that you're there, so I don't have a heart attack again, okay?" She nodded, smirking playfully.
"I thought you said i didnt scare you.." She said, crossing her arms, and smirking bigger. i rolled my eyes.
"Whatever.. next question."
"Sure. Anyway, what'cha making?" She asked, trying to peek around me. I sighed, moving out of the way, gesturing to it.
"Well, if you must know.. I'm making a dimension globe.. it helps Tad, and Will be able to maintain their existence in this dimension, for as long as they use it." She smiled excitedly.
"Woah! you can make one of those?" I smiled at her excitement.
"Well. Of course." I shrugged nonchalantly. Suddenly, will walked in, rubbing his eyes sleepily, as he stretched.
"H-hey, guys.." Y/N smiled, moving under his arms, hugging him to her cheek.
"Hi, cutie." She cooed, making his arms come down from above the two to hug her closer to his body by her waist as he smiled widely. I smirked, poking Y/N as I bounced my eyebrows.
"I knew iiiitttt~" I sang. Y/N rose an eyebrow in response.

"No, he's just cute. With his blue fluff on his head, and his voice.. so cute!" She squealed, kissing him all over his face. He blushed.
"O-okay, thanks. Heh" He said, blushing as she hugged him tightly. I looked at him.
"You're a celebrity, william!" I exclaimed, patting his cheek. He shook his head, blushing softly.
"Maybe to her.. but..." He trailed his words off. I smiled.
"Anyway. I've gotta go see some fleshbags in gravity falls.. oh, and will, don't forget to show Tad this. He's been waiting for me to make one." I threw him the dimension globe. He fumbled, but caught it, clutching it against his chest.
"O-okay. I will." I started to walk away, but two hands clutched my tailcoat, stopping me. I turned, to see Y/N.
"Can I come, bill?" She asked curiously. I looked to will who smiled softly. I looked down at her.
"Sure, kid. I'm not your dad, you can go wherever you want. Afterall you don't have to be cooped up, just because you're staying here. But you just gotta make sure it's okay with Will. He might miss you too much." I joked, chuckling. She looked to him, eyes begging to go. He blushed, nodding.

"G-go ahead. Like b-bill Said, we don't control you.. I think y-you'll find gravity falls pretty a-amusing." He beamed. She smiled at him.
"Thanks, Willy." She squealed excitedly. He smiled softly waving at her.
"You're welcome, N/N." He responded. I smiled, as she let go of my tailcoat, waved at will, and followed me. I snapped my fingers, clicking my tongue at Will as we disappeared.

As we reappeared in Gravity Falls, Y/N looked around in awe.
"I-its so pretty here!" I nodded.
"Yeah, I guess it's pretty here.. to humans." She looked up at me.
"Is this where you live?" I sighed nodding.
"Well, I technically live in the dreamscape, in my house.. but yeah, this is my hometown." She smiled.
"No wonder my hometown is called Reverse falls! Here is so Pretty and peaceful. Reverse falls is so, overpopulated, and overrun by 'Gleeful Twins' crap." I smirked.

"Yep. Other then the anomalies, Ya gotta love it here. Anywho, let's get down to the grit." I grabbed Y/N's hand, pulling her foreward. After I realized I was holding her hand, I looked over at her, panicked. She thought nothing of it. She was just looking around curiously, eyes filled with wonder and joy. I let go of her hand, and herded her towards the mystery shack by pressing on her back softly. I would be floating right now, but she probably wouldn't approve of floating aimlessly in the air beside me, so I chose to just take the human way. As soon as we got to the shack, I turned to her.

"Now, don't get in my can follow me, but just stay out of my way." She nodded slowly.
"Alright, bill. I might just look around inside." I nodded, pulling her beside me. opened the door, walking in.
"Yellow!" I called, making everyone look up at me, and Y/N. "If it isn't my old friends, the pines!" I chuckled, as ford, and stan came pushing around the crowd, the twins following. They all looked around for me, expecting to see my triangle version.
"I hear Cipher!" Ford called. I laughed, looking down at Y/N in amusement, who was standing beside me, watching them. They all suddenly looked at me, seeing the obnoxious smirk on my face. Ford looked confused. "Bill?!" He asked. I bowed.
"The one and only, fordsie." He jumped foreward, making Y/N back up.

"Who did you possess this time?!" He demanded. I pushed him away.
"Keep your shirt on, old man.. I made my own body! No one on this earth could ever look as good as I do." A few seconds passed, before I heard Y/N talk quietly. "except Will." She said, making me smile. "Indeed, Y/N. except my brother." I agreed. The twins stepped foreward quietly. They were looking at Y/N. I looked Down at her.
"Hey, I think you have some admirers, N/N." I said, smirking. She smiled at them.
"hi." She waved. They frowned at her.
"What happened?" Pinetree asked her quietly. Y/N cocked her head. "What do you mean?" She asked. Shooting star stepped foreward.
"Did-did bill hurt you?" Shooting star questioned.
"Posses you?" Pinetree stepped in.
"Claim you?..." Shooting star finished. Y/N glared, shaking her head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked, frustrated. Pinetree shook his head.
"You're-you're with bill.. that doesn't make sense.." She stepped back.
"bill.. what do they mean? Why doesn't it make sense?" I bent down to her.
"You see, sweets.. these people don't exactly adore me.." She mumbled something, then glared at them.
"give the guy a chance, people!" They all just looked at each other.
"Never!" Pinetree yelled as he brought out his shrink ray, shining it on Y/N. Once she was shrunk, pinetree picked her up, putting her in his pocket. "We'll help you.. Afterall it's for your own good." he whispered, putting his hand in, holding her securely.

(Cleef hanggarr! Sorry Bros.. I gotta make this a cliff hanger now, before I go too many characters, and it deletes like half of my story, so I'll see you in the next chap. ~Emma)

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now