chapter 24. Trick or Treat (special)

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(This is a special chapter, because Halloween is the day after tomorrow. I thought I'd put it up sooner. 😊 so this is.. I wouldn't say a oneshot, but it's just supposed to be fun. Thnx.)

Will's pov)

I was slipping into my Bunny costume, when bill lifted me out with his powers.
"Oh, no no no, willy. You gotta be kidding me..! this is Halloween, not easter! Here.." He snapped, and I was in a zombie costume.. well more like I was halfway a zombie.
"W-well.. that de-destroyed my Un-threatening fi-figure.." I mumbled. Bill slapped my back, now dressed as a Vampire.
"Ohoho.. that's the point small fry. And wait til you see what Y/N is dressed up as.. she's pretty Hot. But I'll leave that to you to decide." He walked away, pushing his hair back, with clear gel. I exhaled, and snapped, changing out of the out-of-character costume. As I was about to change into my Bunny costume again, I heard a door creak. I paused, as Y/N came around the corner, blushing and looking down.

"B-belle.. M-mabel.... I don't think this is a good idea. . I'll get attention." She mumbled, embarrassed. Belle trailed behind her.
"Thats the idea, silly." She giggled. As I saw Y/N's full costume, I was stunned. She was so pretty! She was dressed in a Devil costume, with a velvet devil tail swaying slightly behind her. She had a soft devil horn headband, and was in red, shiny heels/flats. Her makeup was bright and perfect against her soft skin. Bright red lipstick was on her lips. sparkly, maroon eyeshadow was lightly brushed on her eyelids. And her eyelashes were perfectly bent outward, creating a dark shadow on her eyes. To finish her outfit, eyeliner was in a beautiful cat eye effect. I blushed deeply, lost in her outfit, and makeup. I stared at her. She noticed, looking away, and blushing.
"See, you guys?" She said, moyioning over to me, embarrassed. They smiled.
"The perfect guy to give you attention.. go over to him, hon!" Mabel exclaimed, pulling her over to me, in my room. She looked at me, as the other two walked away, planning what to do to top off their costumes.
"D-does it look bad.. I think I look like one of those girls who wants all the guys.. I don't, will." She mumbled, looking down sadly. I smiled fondly.
"N-no. You're be-beautiful, N/N. And I know j-just how we can match!" I snapped, changing into an angel costume.
"There! P-perfect!" I smiled, blushing. She blushed too.
"Aw. You're so cute, willy! It matches you perfectly!" I blushed.
"T-thanks. And we match now too!" I exclaimed, smiling. She giggled.
"Alright. Um, can you take mabel home? She's gotta get ready for Halloween too." I nodded.
"S-sure thing." I smiled at mabel.
"Ready?" She held my arm.
"Yepperoni." She smiled. I snapped, and took mabel home. She waved at me as I left.
"Thanks will! Happy Halloween!" I smiled at her.
"Y-you too. Thanks for helping Y/N get ready. She looks go-gorgeous." She nodded.
"No problem! Just a touch of mabel works every time." She said winking. I laughed, waving at her as I disappeared, reappearing in the mindsion. Belle, tad, bill, and Y/N were all waiting in the living room. Tad was the beast from beauty and the beast. Belle was Belle from the same movie. Making the couple match. Bill was.. a vampire with.... nachos? And Y/N was beautiful - er-i mean, a devil. And I was well, an angel. When everyone saw that I matched Y/N, they all started yelling things like;
"aw!" And "I ship it so much!!" Things like that. I smiled, looking at Belle and tad. "Well you two match.." I said. They blushed. "Well.. Of course." Tad said, motioning for us to go. We soon filed out of the mindscape, and to gravity falls. The streets and woods were filled with kids, families, attractions, and Trunk or Treat festivities. The other three saw some candy apples, and ran to grab some for us four. Boys stared at Y/N, and attempted to talk to her, which I was getting shy from, happy people liked her costume. I wasn't jealous, because i knew people could tell we were together. I was just shy.  But moving on, people also called me and Y/N cute together which ended us up in random people's photos.

Bill left to go get his date from the party earlier in the year. To take her trick or treating. After they came back to us, we all ended up bumping into the twins, who joined our friend-clan. They were peanut butter and jelly. I smiled at the fact they matched too. 'Quite cute, I must say as well' i thought to myself. Me and Y/N went trick or treating together, tad and Belle went together, and dipper and mabel went with us, counting on the fact they are only 12 years old. Afterward we all met up at the amusement park that was set up for Halloween.

Y/N's pov)

I looked at all my friends around me, smiling. Dipper, mabel, tad, belle, bill, will, and F/N.. we were all the perfect group of friends. "Hey guys?.." They all looked up at me.
"Yeah?/what?/mmhm?" I leaned back in the grass.
"This has been the best Halloween ever!" I yelled in delight, spreading my arms and legs. They all laughed.
"You got that right, kid." Tad smiled. Bill chuckled, laying down on my left. Will laid on my right. They both held my hands. F/N sat next to bill, kissing his cheek. The others laid/sat next to us. We all watched the fireflies come out. One flew above my head. I reached up and grabbed it. So did bill and will. We all caught a firefly.


I yawned, laying on will.
"This was fun." I said, closing my eyes. He softly laughed, holding my hand, as well as F/N's.
"Y-yeah." He mumbled. I heard bill hum in approval, then put his arm around me. I hugged him back.
"You want attention too, don't you?" I said. He scoffed.
"No... yes." I laughed, hugging my two favorite boys.
"Let's go home, so I can go to sleep on you guys properly." I demanded, giggling. Bill chuckled.
"As you wish, she devil." He said going to snap. I held his hand, tightly not letting him do so yet. I waved to dipper and mabel, since they wouldn't want to come to the mindscape. Because of... experiences... they waved back.
"See you guys!" They said as they smiled, and waved. I waved back.
"Happy Halloween!" I told them before we disappeared.

At the mindscape)

I was laying on Will's lap, with my legs on bill, F/N on his lap. Tad and Belle sat on the opposite couch, squished together. Figures.. we all watched F/M. (favorite movie) Bill was on the edge of his seat. I groaned, popping a fresh peice of gum into my mouth.
"Bill, my feet are falling.. sit back." I told him. He held my feet against his stomach.
"ugh. Please sit back." He sighed.
"Fine.. but I won't tell you when the best part is.." he huffed, sitting back. I rolled my eyes.
"Thanks but no thanks.. I've seen this millions of times, I already know when the best part is." I told him matter-of-factly. He smiled in a bratty way.
"You're welcome, but not welcome." He said, looking back to the tv. I sighed, rolling My eyes, and looking at the screen. There was a jumpscare, and all three of us girls screamed. F/N burying her face in bill's sweater, me in Will's, and Belle in Tad's. Will yelped too, but then all the guys chuckled, hugging their females to themselves firmly.
"Aw.." I whined as i sat up. "We're girls! What do you expect?!" I exclaimed. Bill paused the movie, turning to me.
"Well, by the way you act, I thought you'd be able to contain yourself. F/N, I wasn't expecting less, and Belle. . You're a demon for good heck! You should've known about that!" All of us girls crossed our arms. "Well then/Geez, I know where I stand../well, yeah but-" Bill chuckled. Nodding, he turned the tv back on.
"Mmhm. Okay ladies, some demons are trying to watch the film. Thank you very much." He said, resting an arm on F/N's waist. I scoffed.
"Sorry your majesty." I mumbled, turning back to the screen, and throwing some popcorn in my mouth.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now