chapter 8. The past is past

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Reader chan pov)

I walked in, looking around. As my lips parted in awe, a quiet sentence slipped out.
"Woah..." will stopped.
"S-so, what d-do you th-think?" I looked at him.
"Its-its.. it's amazing! !" I smiled. He softly smirked back, looking at the chandelier made of gold.
"Isn't it?" I giggled. He looked at me.
"It's almost like your house.." He smiled. Although when he said this, my smile faded. He looked at me, before grabbing my shoulders, and hugging me.
"O-oh, n-no! I-i-i I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that.. please!" I looked down, as a tear slipped down my face.
" (If you want to, you can put some sibling names in there too.)" Will wrapped his warm arms around me tighter.
"I'm so sorry.." he whispered.

Flashback, age 4:
I laid on the carpet, as I watched my favorite TV show. "haha! Mommy, this is silly!" I giggled rolling over onto my back. My mom poked her head into the living room. "You know what else is silly?" I shook my head. "What?" She closed her eyes, scrunching up her nose. "You, (nickname)!" I squealed, laughing. "You're silly too, mommy." I got up, and ran to her, hugging her waist. She smiled down at me. Suddenly, there was a loud boom outside. She let go of me, and looked down at me. "Sweetheart, you stay here, I'm going to go see what that was. Mommy will be right back, okay?" She looked into my eyes. I giggled. "Okay, mommy." She smiled softly. As she let me go, there was another boom. She looked at me quickly, before sprinting outside. I ran to the living room, and opened the blinds looking for mommy. Suddenly, I heard a scream, and another boom. I jumped up, feeling empty all of the sudden. I ran to the door, and opened it. "Mommy?" I asked. "Mommy! I want to play again!" I screamed. My dad came rushing up behind me. "Whats wrong sweetie?" I turned to him tearing up. "I can't find mommy.." he rushed past me, going outside. I felt something missing. After a minute my dad came back crying, and locking the doors and windows, along with taking me to the cellar quickly. Later, on the news, we found out there was a terrorist in our neighborhood.. mom had gotten shot..
End of flashback.

I wrapped my arms around Will's neck, smiling up at him sadly.
"W-why are you sorry? You didn't shoot her.. the terrorist did." He sighed.
"I brought it up.. that's why I'm apologizing.." he bit his lip. I sighed, smiling at him.
"Well, it's over now.. so how about that tour?" I said, looking into his eyes that were made with beautiful masses of blue. He gazed into mine, and summoned a tissue.
"Here..I don't want bill to arrive and pressure you.." I gladly took it, and wiped my tears.
"Thanks, always know how to take care of me." He blushed.
"W-well.. Its b-because I care.." he muttered, smiling. As he thought I didn't hear him, I actually did.
"Hey, thanks man." I smiled. He gazed at me for a minute, and blushed, before softly grabbing my wrist, and pulling me down the hall between the stairs.
"U-um.. I-i'll show y-you around n-now.." he said, as he walked, staring at me, and parting his lips slightly. I smiled to myself, feeling like he was going to kiss me, but brushed it off, walking with him happily.

(Aw.. sorry, dudes.. no kissing yet. ^3^~♡ but it's a fun chapter! Stick around!)

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now