Chapter 28. Sick

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Reader's pov)

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Dizziness washed over me along with nausea. I hadn't been able to get to sleep for about two hours now. No one knew I was still awake, for those past two hours. Whenever anyone came in, I acted like I was asleep, and laid in the most comfortable position I could. So right now I was just laying wide awake in the middle of the day, in bed, in some basketball shorts, and a low neck tank top. The door swung open, but this time I didn't feel like acting again. I didn't even look who It was, guessing it was Will. "Hey, Y/N. How you doing?" Yep. It was will. I sighed softly, coughing into my pale arm.
"Not good, Blue." I croaked. This time I looked at him, diverting my gaze away from the ceiling. I saw him cringe, and he fully walked in, pulling something in behind him. A cart.
"I-i thought you might want some healthy stuff.. and some soup.. but if you don't want it I'll-" I smiled.
"Nah. Bring it over, cutie. I cooed. He smiled back, and closed the door, bringing the cart up to my bed. I attempted to sit up but ended up almost crapping myself. (Embarrassing) He looked at me fondly, motioning for me to chill.
"It's okay, Relax. I'm helping you. Not the other way around." He smiled. I smiled back weakly.

"Thanks, Will.. you really help me." He blushed, handing me some (healthy food/soup.) I took it.
"Well, I was sent to take care of you. Make sure that you are well." He commented, walking to the other end of the bed, beside me. He sat down, and leaned over me, kissing my overheated forehead. I looked at him worriedly.
"You're going to get sick, Will." I warned. He looked at me, sighing softly.
"Demons don't get sick. So if I really wanted to, I could kiss you the correct way." He smiled, a slight blush on his freckled cheeks. I looked down, giggling.
"Yeah. I guess.. what are the guys doing?" I asked, leaning back and closing my eyes. I felt him snuggle against my arm, and sigh contently.
"Mm. Just being weird. Belle and Tad are having a dance central battle, and bill is stroking your Cat/dog like a weirdo. I chuckled quietly.

"Of course he is..that weirdo. so what have you been doing?" I asked will, turning to him who was delicately braiding my hair. He looked up at me, continuing to braid.
"Oh, I've been coloring. Wanna see it??" He asked excitedly. I nodded, giggling at his cuteness. He nodded excited, and rushed out. After a second, he poked his head back in. "I'll be right back." He said, smiling. I motioned for him to go get his project. He nodded, and ran out again, down the hall. I smiled to myself, shaking my head, are leaning against the headboard of my bed I faintly heard.

"Is Y/N up yet?"
"How's princess?"
"Is she okay now?" Then a light laugh.
"Yes, guys. She's fine.." I smiled to myself, and laid back down.

Will walked in and sat down next to me. I opened my eyes, looking up at him. He was holding my sketchbook. "um, I had to use yours cause bill took mine.." he said, guiltily. I smiled at him.
"It's fine. It'll let me have my boyfriend's cute artwork in my artbook." I said. He smiled, and opened to a page.
"This is the first one I drew.." it was an anime style picture of me and Will. It was perfect. I looked at it, then up at will, and giggled.
"It's so cute! You're such a good artist!" I hugged him. He chuckled.
"G-glad you like it." He giggled. I smiled.
"How about we go see the others?" He nodded, helping me get up.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now