Chapter 31. What we've become

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Y/N pov (five years into the future)-
(B/N- boys name)
(G/N- girls name)

I sat on the couch, leaning against the arm of the couch, as I read one of my published books that I had recently revealed to the world. My two kids sat on the floor in front of me. One girl and one boy, my twins. But something was special about them. Our male, B/N was a normal human boy.. but our female, G/N was the demon. A little mixed up, I know, but they're the best kids a Married couple could have. Polite, and well mannered. The front door instantaneously swung open, revealing my husband. His kind eyes first darted to me on the couch, smiling at me. Then to the kids who were already at his feet. I now realized he was holding a large box. He set it down, before scooping the two up into his strong arms. "Daddy! What's that box?" G/N asked. Will put a finger to his lips. "I-its a surprise I'll show you in a minute." He said. They nodded. "I thought you'd never come back!" My female daughter, G/N sighed dramatically. Her brother pointed at me. "We were listening to Mommy read her story! I like it!" B/N said. Will chuckled. "Is t-that so? She's quite the w-writer." he smiled, putting them down at the top/bottom of the stairs. He walked over to me, leaning down to kiss me. The twins groaned. "Ew!" Pulling away after a moment, he gazed at me. "How w-was your day?" He asked, picking me up and setting me on his lap. I smiled. "it was great! Yours?" He smiled back softly. "It was... i-interesting.. also, i got a surprise.." he said, sliding me off his lap, as he made his way to the door, where he set down the box. He picked it up, and carried it over, setting it on the ground in front of me. The blanket over it started moving. My eyes widened. "Hm?" A high pitched yip was heard. The twins squealed, trying to peek in, but a cream colored snout popped up, sniffing around. I grinned. "Aw, will.. where'd you find it?" I asked, getting up. He wrapped an arm around my back. "H-he started following me home from work. I guess he saw me as I walked by the animal shelter. I-i brought him in, asking if I could have him, and that he'd gotten loose. They allowed me to have him, saying he was always the one to get o-out, and stowaway, so no one would see him. So I thought we'd call him Stowaway, or Sto for short." Will smiled down at me. The twins smiled, picking him up. "Ah! Careful! He's just a puppy." I giggled. B/N looked up at me, smiling. "Like this, mommy?" He asked, holding Sto against his body. I nodded. "Like that. Good job, sweetie." He smiled up at me, with a halfway filled mouth full of teeth. "I'm the doggie master!" He grinned. G/N looked up at Will, smiling, and holding up her arms. Will picked her up around her small figure. She hugged her face against his, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you daddy. I love him!" She said. Will chuckled kissing her small face. "Y-you're welcome, sweetie." He whispered, then put her down. She rushed up to Stowaway, and hugged his little face. He was a small west highland white terrier, with small freckles of black and brown on his snout. He was fairly small, and friendly. I bent down, and pet his small head. "Good boy." I cooed. He licked my hand, then barked a little, panting. I giggled. "You're so cute.. I can see why you're such a good stowaway.. you're so small." I grinned. He stared at me with big blue eyes. "He's so pretty, will!" I looked at my husband. He smiled. "-iI know. Like my ladies." He blushed a little, rubbing my back. I blushed in response, and G/N giggled. B/N pouted. Will noticed and kneeled down tussling his hair. "And m-manly like me and my boy." Will smiled. B/N held his arm up, making a muscle sign. "Yeah!" I smiled down at him. "Let's let the dog get down, so he can explore the house." My son put Sto down, and he automatically started sniffing and walking around. Will and I stood up again. Will turned to me. "Well, I'm going to go change. I'll be out in a minute." Us other three nodded. "Okay hun." I said, rubbing his slim back. He kissed my cheek, and started to walk to our room.

Once he came back out, he was in his sweater vest that surprisingly still fit him. He walked up to me, and hugged me from behind, reading My book from behind. "S-so your day was g-good?" He asked softly. I nodded. "And it's gotten better." I smiled. He grinned from behind me. "Is it okay that I invited Bill, Belle and Tad over?" He asked. I beamed in response. "Of course! I haven't seen them for so long!" I said excitedly. On that note, as if on instinct, the doorbell rung. I heard the kids upstairs and Sto start rushing downstairs. Sto barking loudly as he rushed to the door, crouching down and around it, barking. I stood. "I'll get it." I chuckled

(I could actually see will being a psychiatrist. Most likely for children. 😊 he'd be so good at it. So that's what he shall do for a job.)

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