Chapter 2. Thank you

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Afterward; Will's pov)

I walked into my tent, rubbing my back. "Ah..ow." I whined. As I looked up at what I called my bed, I jumped suddenly. Y/N was laying on my cot. "Oh, h-hey." I said, knowing she can't hear me. looked at her, as I sat at the foot of my cot. I sighed as I bent over myself, outlining my cuts with my fingers. "Ah!" I yelped, as I pulled my hand back. "G-gosh, I guess I better fix this, b-before I have to go b-back out.." I started chanting a healing spell.
"Wa-" I suddenly heard and jumped, looking over at the female next to me.

"Oh. Hi... are you okay now?" I asked, nervously.
  She looked at me, horrified. "Forget about me, look at you!" She freaked. I sighed, making a mirror appear, and I looked at myself, before letting the mirror hang loose in my hand, and looking at her.
"W-well.. I can h-heal.. you c-can't." I quipped. She shook her head.
"I can, too!" She tried to stand. I sighed, standing.

"Here. Lemme help you." I set my hands on her left, and right arm. She watched me as I fixed her. I started streaming magic to her cuts, and contorted skin. the skin on them spiderwebbing together.

"How do you do that?" She asked curiously looking up at my face. I looked down quickly.
"Uh.. I don't know.." I lied. Man I hated to lie. She rose an eyebrow, not believing me. "You have to know." She said. Of course. I looked at her, sighing.
"f-fine..since we are going to be in the same situation forever.. I'm a demon, although I've been told I act like an angel." I said, looking down. Her pupils dialated.

"Woah! That's cool!" She grinned. I smiled a little back.
"Yeah..thanks." I looked down, and softly smiled.
"Um. Well, thanks for helping me earlier.. I thought I was going to die like that. And when he whipped you, I felt like I got whipped again." She admitted quietly. I looked over at her. "Hehe...thanks. I was worried about you, but you really don't need to worry about me." I smiled at her. She looked back at me, and giggled, as she smiled back. "Of course i do.." she said, smiling still. Her smile was so cute. She then looked at my back, and arm, pointing to them.
"Uh, you might wanna repair yourself.." I looked at myself, zoning back in.

"Oh, yea. I guess that might be a good idea, if I don't want to bleed out." I said, laughing a little. She did too. As I started to chant the spell again, Y/N got up from my bed, wobbling a little.
"Well, it's getting late.. I guess I'll hit the hay... only to get hurt tomorrow." She mumbed the last part quietly. I opened an eye, as i lifted a hand, pausing and waved to her, before continuing the conjure. "Agrabma, ligramba-goodnight, Miss Y/N!- fimlana lista.." She giggled, and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight, will. Thank you.. for everything." I blushed, as I flinched at the sudden contact, stopping my chant.
"B-bye.." i waved sheepishly. She walked out, yawning. Suddenly I heard her yawn cut off, replaced by a gasp, and a thud. I rushed out, to see that Master Tyrone had jumped on top of her, and was glaring at her.
"Why were you two talking? I always knew you were the type that always needs a male's attention! If I catch you talking to this scum again I'll-" I pulled him off of her, as she struggled.

"L-leave her a-alone, master. It's m-my fault.. I d-dragged her in there." I said, looking down in shame, at the fact I lied again. He glared at me.
"well, well, well.. you wanted some company? You've already met Mr. Whip!! Go get me a latte!" He screamed, as I saw him move the whip making me jump. I bowed at him quickly, and turned toward the kitchen, glancing at Y/N. She was watching me, with gratitude. I smiled a little, and pulled her to her feet, and rushed past her seeing my master watch me closely as I slipped past him and Y/N to go make him a Latte.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now