chapter 16. left out

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Will's pov)

I woke up with a weight on my legs. As I sat up, I heard a small groan from down at my feet. It was Y/N. She was curled up like a small dog, as she softly breathed. I bent down, and scooped her up in my arms. As I brought her closer, I realized that there was tear marks all over her face. I felt a pang in my heart.
"A-aw.. what h-hapened?" I asked quietly. As I laid back down, I closed my eyes.

After a minute, I jumped as i felt two arms wrap around my neck, and a head on my shoulder. As I looked over at where I was comforting Y/N, I heard a small sigh.

"its just me.. chill, bro." She mumbled sleepily.
"S-sorry." I apologized, and laid facing away from her again.
"Um.. by the way, I noticed that you had been crying before you came to me..." i mumbled. She was silent for a moment, making me think she was sleeping. I closed my eyes, sighing. A voice suddenly broke through the silence, scaring me.
"I had a dream.. and bill knew, so he jumpscared me. I booked it to you, and after making sure he wasn't following me, I laid down on your legs." I smiled softly, hugging her, and I turned over toward her.

"W-well I'm glad t-that you f-find protection from m-me.. even if I'm n-not the type of person to b-be p-possessive." I commented, earning a light laugh from her, as she nuzzled into my chest. I rested my head on top of hers.
"w-well. I'll s-stay awake as l-long as you need m-me to." I said softly, closing my eyes peacefully. I felt her nod, as she exhaled, making me feel her hot breath against my neck.
"Okay. Thank you willy..... l-love you." I blushed, and squirmed a little.
"Y-you're welcome, N-N/N... I l-love y-you too."

In the morning:

I woke up, with Y/N no where in sight. As I stood, I tripped on something. I looked down, I saw Y/N laying there looking dead. I bent down.
"Y-Y/N!!" I yelled. She groaned loudly.
"That was my ear!" She yelled back in the same manor, Making me jump.
"Oh. Sorry.. I thought you were dead." She sighed, holding my hand as she stood up.
"If I was dead, you'd know.. and bill would be in here." I rose an eyebrow.

"W-why would bill b-be in here?" I asked. She looked at me.
"He'd become detective bill, and make sure whatever had killed me would get it." I smiled.
"Hehe. Yeah." We exited my room, and saw the other three gathered in a huddle. When they saw us, they looked between each other, mumbling things Like
"I'm not telling them.."
"Not it.."
I wouldn't be caught dead telling them.."

Y/N looked up at me.
"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?" She whispered. I shook my head.
"Yo-you guys, we're n-not going to bite y-you if you te-tell us already." I smiled, crossing my arms over my chest. They looked at us.
"Well, we have to leave, and../we were going tell you two /we're sorry/if you are mad just tell us/we have to leave you guys here/you guys aren't cut out to come.." Y/N stepped forward, and yelled. "Stop!" They all quit talking and looked at us. I sighed.
"Ju-just say what you want to.. this ti-time so we c-can actually h-hear words." I said. Belle walked up to us.

"Well, we have to leave, for a couple of weeks. To go visit some people in other mellenia. We'd take you two.. but we'll most likely run into trouble, that you guys won't fight. And I don't want to say you'll get in our way, but..... you'll get in our way." I looked at them.
"W-well..Way to s-sum it up." I bit my lip. Belle sighed.
"See.. you are mad." I shook my head.
"N-no.. not at a-all. I just d-didn't k-know that w-we got in y-your way." I teared up. She stepped foreward, about to apologize. I shook my head and walked away, holding Y/N's hand.
"Y-you don't need to apologize, y-you might as w-well leave now, b-before we r-ruin everything." I mumbled, sadly. She sighed sadly, and turned to the others.
"You heard him, boys. Let's go.." She sounded kind of disappointed, but fixed on going. They all snapped their fingers, and disappeared. I turned to Y/N.

"W-what a way to s-say we're a-annoying.." i said, and bounced my eyebrows once, with a pursed-lip smile.
"Yep. But we'll show them.. you'll see." She said, getting my hopes up.
"O-okay." I said approvingly. She grabbed my arm softly, pulling me off to do fun stuff.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now