Chapter 5. gone

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Will's pov)

   It's been a whole day, and the masters aren't home yet.. I'm actually pretty glad. But I'm also worried about why they've been gone this long.. interrupting my thoughts, Y/N walked up to me
"Hi Will. Do you know where the masters are?" She asked, handing me half of her sandwich. I shook my head, taking it.
"No. I was just wondering about that myself." She sat down with me on the ground beside my bed. "I wonder why they've been gone this long.. even if they are extremely aggressive, I'm still worried for them." She said. I nodded, as she leaned on my arm, sighing, and eating her half.
"Yeah. Me too." I whispered, as I looked up at the night sky through the swaying entryway curtains of my tent, biting into the sandwich.

Tyrone's pov)

I laughed, as mabel slapped a puny Version of me. "Wow, who knew that my brother could be so puny! Oh that's right! You arent my brother!" The 12 year old version of me groaned, as he stood up.

"And who knew the other version of my sister could be such an abusive big jerk.." he mumbled. I stepped forward, picking him up by the cuff of his shirt.
"No one calls my sister names! Expecially not some stupid little copycat!" I threw him down. Suddenly everything went grayscale.

"AHAHAHAHA! Hey pinetree! Got yourself in a nasty predicament, eh?" A nerdy, monotone voice bursted out, echoing around the landscape. I turned around, and saw a yellow triangle floating above the ground. He looked like will, but was yellow, and didn't look afraid of anything.
"Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked, annoyed. He floated forward, twirling a small black cane, that was half his size.

"Your worst nightmare, kid!" He laughed. I raised an eyebrow, getting ticked off.
"I demand an answer!" I yelled. He made his cane disappear, turning into ten other versions of himself, circling the three of us.
"And I gave you an answer.. but since you asked so nicely, names Bill Cipher!" He outstretched a hand, making his clones do the same. I smirked a little, and gladly took his hand to shake, liking his attitude.
"Dipper Gleeful. And this is Mabel, my sis-" I motioned over to her, but got cut off.
"Mabel gleeful, your sister, Although I find myself calling her headband far more entertaining. You live in reverse falls, and if I'm correct, you have taken my brother captive. I know everything, burning tree.." He stated, morphing back into one of him again, appearing over by my sister now, staring down at her, then up at me. My eyes widened, as I glared back at him.

"What? How do you know that? Are you a stalker or something? And Burning tree?! What is the purpose of that name? Don't call my sister that! How do you know will?" Bill laughed.
"Woah, there. Chill out on the questions, kid. As for your sister.. I shall call her whatever I take into favor. The only one I'm going to answer is that, your precious Will, Is my precious brother." He bowed dramatically. I looked at him.
"No he's not! He's the last of his kind!" He teloported about ten inches away, grabbing my shirt, coming closer.

"Maybe in your world.. but here, he's part of my army. Even though he won't fight." I growled.
"Let go of my amulet!" I punched him, eyes widening as my hand went right through him. He didn't budge, as if this was normal.
"Aheh. You were saying? And besides, I don't need your puny stone.. I have all the power of the universe!" His voice echoed. My opposite self stood up.
"Bill! Get out of here! I don't need your input!" He waved his hand as if he was dismissing an annoying fly. Bill looked down at him.
"Actually, pinetree.. it seems you really do. Notice that you aren't getting hurt at the moment? You need all the help you can get, kid!"
  Bill chuckled, before looking up at me and mabel again.

"Well.. see you later, mortals! I'm going to go claim what's mine! Remember, reality is an Illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye!!" He tipped his hat, shifting the landscape slightly, as he slowly disappeared. His brick patterns left last. I turned to my opposite.

"What was that guy about?!" I asked. He rolled his eyes.
"I don't know. He's just an idiot dorito that appears anytime he thinks he can fix things.." he explained. A sinister grin grew across my face.
"Will he be able to fix this?" I grasped my amulet. His face paled as fear spread across his body. he squirmed, starting to run.
"Oh, no! No no no no!" He yelled, and started running.
"Stop squirming!" I yelled. Me and Mabel started following him.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now