chapter 12. 'natural will'

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Will pov)

"W-WHAT?!" I jumped to my feet. "Why would pinetree take her?" I asked, pacing the room. Bill shrugged.
"All he said was that it was for her own good..such a know it all." He shook his head, rolling his eyes. I paced the room.
"I-i gotta get her back!" I yelled, scrambling out the door. Bill called after me to wait for him. I didn't stop running, huffing. Bill appeared in front of me.
"Will. You know you could run forever in here, and not get anywhere. Snap your fingers.. maybe that'll help." He smirked. I frowned.
"Oh. That's right." I snapped, and appeared in gravity falls. I looked around. " I haven't been here for so long, I forgot where the mystery shack was!" I got scared. Bill rolled his eyes.
"Thats why I came, blue." I looked up at my floating brother, as he looked down at me, putting his hands into his pockets, leaning forward, and grinning.
"Oh. Then lead the way." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, sheepishly. Bill smirked.
"With pleasure." He said, growing his four arms, as he started running on all fours, toward where I'm guessing that the mystery shack was. I followed. Soon we were at the mystery shack itself. I looked to my brother, and smiled. He stood up on his feet, and his extra two arms disappeared, and he shrink in size, brushing himself off. "Thanks billy." I smiled, thanking him. he growled, brushing himself off.
"I suggest you don't call me that." He warned. I frowned.
"Sorry." I apologized. He rolled his eyes, and turned on his heel.
"Welp, I'm out! afraid that your on your own now, blue. See ya later!" He said, waving and disappearing. I was about to protest, but he was gone too fast. I sighed as i went up to the door, and knocked. The door automatically swung open. "Cipher! I told you-" a man that looked like the gleeful twins' stan punched me in the face. I cowered away. When he realized I wasn't Bill, he bent down, and studied me. "Woah.. that was embarrassing. . You okay, kid?" I nodded, tears rolling down my face. He's way different than my stan..
"I-ive taken worse.." I said, sniffing. I stood up. "I just came here, to find my girlfr- m-my friend. I heard you have taken her hostage.. why?" I asked, still kind of afraid that I was standing in front of stan Gleeful-er-pines. Stan clicked his tongue.
"Well, that's who bill took.. we took her from him, so she didn't have to be his slave forever. Wierd thing though.. she seemed to be happy around him. We figured he possessed her, or gave her a spell that makes her do things against her will." I looked over his shoulder into his house, seeing two little kids staring at me curiously from the stairwell. Dipper and mabel.. hopefully they aren't anything like my Tyrone and Mabel.. I wanted to run, I wanted to cry.. but I had to get Y/N back.
"A-are those two kids Dipper and Mabel?" I asked quivering. He turned, to see them behind him. "Oh, hey squirts. This young man would like his woman back.." he winked at them. Dipper bit his lip, turning to me.
"Um, why? You probably don't even know her!" Dipper accused. I jumped and shook my head.
"I-i do.. she's been my best friend for as long as I c-can remember. My brother saved us from our abusive masters." I said quietly. Dipper and mabel looked at each other.
"Really?" Dipper asked, sounding astonished. I nodded.
"Yeah. Can I please have Y/N back now? She's probably terrified." Dipper shook his head.
"No she's not. She's our friend now." Great. I smiled at them. "W-well, good. B-but can I t-take her back now? I m-miss h-her." Dipper and mabel nodded.
"Can he come get Y/N, Grunkle stan?" Mabel asked. Stan moved out of the way.
"alright.. but if he pulls any tricks.. I've still got my brass knuckles." He looked to me now. I gulped, getting scared that he might actually be like my stan. I nodded, not wanting to feel pain again.
"Y-yes sir." I bit my lip, worried. Stan smiled, hitting my back. I cringed, thinking he was going to hurt me.
"Finally! A man with class!" He boomed. I coughed, smiling.
"T-thank you, I guess." I followed the twins up the stairs, until mabel blocked the way.
"Wait! But how do we know you're not some secret agent, trying to take Y/N, and smuggle her to some creepy lab somewhere?!" She yelled. I looked at her confused.
"We don't.." Dipper answered bitterly, as he pushed on her back, herding her up the stairs. I looked down, climbing the stairs carefully. Finally, we got to the twins's door.
"So, do you just want us to let you walk in, and see her or.." Dipper asked awkwardly. I smiled softly. "Anyway works. As long as I get to see her." Dipper shrugged.
"Okay.." Mabel swung the door open, and dipper shoved me forward. I started to cry, getting scared they were going to hurt me.. they did, but not in the way I was expecting. I fell on a bunch of Legos.
"Ow!" I yelped, trying to scramble to my feet again. Dipper turned to mabel, looking confused.
"This is what you call a trap?" He asked, pointing a hand to mabel. Mabel shrugged.
"well, I figured since Legos hurt, that it would be the perfect trap!" Dipper shrugged as he shook his head, turning back to me.
"We know that you're working for Bill!" He tackled Me back onto the Legos. I arched my back, not wanting to lay on them again.
"W-what? I'm not with bill!" I whimpered. Dipper sat on my stomach, pinning me to the ground.
"Denial! That only proves you're working with bill even more!" I struggled.
"G-get off of me!" I whined, getting scared. Mabel came up to me with a flashlight, shining it in my eyes.
"Where were you a couple hours ago?" She asked. I covered my eyes.
"A-at ho-home!" I cried. Mabel shook her head sadly, writing something down on a small, pink notepad. Suddenly, Y/N ran in, gasping.
"What are you guys doing?!" She yelled, running in the room.
"Get off of him, dipper!" She lifted him off of me.
"Mabel, leave him alone!" Mabel looked at her.
"But-" Y/N shook her head. "No! Why are you doing this?" She asked ashamed. The twins looked down.
"well, he looks like bill, and wanted to take you. What were we supposed to think?" Y/N helped me up.
"maybe that he's my friend?" The twins groaned.
"Sorry.." Y/N looked to me, with a soft smile.
"Sorry about them, Will.. they jump to conclusions." I smiled back, rubbing my Lego inprinted neck.
"It's okay.. I don't blame them. Bill is pretty sneaky like that." The twins looked at me.
"You know him?" Dipper asked, confused. I looked at him.
"K-Know him? He's my b-brother.." I said. The twins gasped.
"Really? That must be horrible." Mabel put a hand to her mouth. I shook my head.
"No.. not really. He took Y/N and I away from a bad situation. He saved Y/N's life, gave her a home, and has been helping her ever since." I looked over at Y/N, and smiled at her. She was blushing.
"I-i didn't know you cared about me that much.." I encased her in a hug.
"Of course I do. You're my new life." Dipper blushed, while mabel fangirled.
"Okay.. this is just getting awkward." Dipper said, as he spun on his heel, and exited the room. I smiled at dipper's silliness. Mabel walked forward.
"Sorry about that, will. We were just making sure you weren't bill." I smiled.
"I-Its okay. I've taken-taken worse. Take care, and tell y-your brother bye for me.. thanks for no-not hurting me.. Too bad." I said. She smiled.
"Okay. Bye will. And you're welcome I guess? Haha." I waved, so did Y/N. "Bye Mabel." Y/N said, as we went back home.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now