Chapter 32. I'M AN UNCLE!!

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Bill's pov)

I stood on my tiptoes, peeking into the house through the overhead window. The door finally opened to reveal doll. She was all grown up now. I felt like crying. But demons don't cry. I grinned happily, engulfing her in a hug. "Y/N!!" She hugged me back. "Dorito chip! How you been, Bill??" I pulled away. "I've been good, as things go.. oh! Also Belle and Tad are here!" I stepped aside, letting her hug them. While she was hugging them, I looked inside, seeing my brother, and...wait! Were those kids? I laughed, pushing through the other three running inside, and up the stairs to the kids. Will outstretched his arms, smiling. I ducked under them swiftly, and grabbed the two cute children in my arms. Will looked confused, and turned around seeing me on the floor, hugging the two twins to death. He sighed. "Hi bill.." he smiled. I ignored him, laughing. "I'M AN UNCLE!!" I wooped. Tad, Y/N and Belle came walking in. Y/N laughed. "Yep." The two children giggled. "We don't even know you, silly!" The female squealed happily. I Laughed, letting her out of my grip. "Oh. Right.. I guess I am silly. I'm your Uncle Bill!" The male looked up at me, and blinked, smiling. Belle chimed in. "And I'm your aunt!" She beamed. "Wow! I've always wanted an uncle and aunt of my very own!" He grinned. Will came closer to me, extending a hand for me to use to get up. I grabbed it, standing up. Once I was up, I floated on my stomach, caressing the twins faces, as I kicked my feet back and forth casually. "say, doll.... what are their names?" I asked. She smiled. "Oh, well this is B/N.." She said, setting a hand on top of the male's head. "And this is G/N." She said holding the female's hand. G/N eyes suddenly lighted up, and she started getting excited. I rose an eyebrow, smiling softly, finding it quite cute. She pointed at me, jumping up and down. "Hey! I can do that too!" She said, making me realize I was still floating. I suddenly got confused. "you huh...?" She let go of Y/N's hand, and started to float off the ground, her eyes glowing an aquamarine color. My eyes widened too. "Omdemons! I didn't think it was possible. A mortal, and a demon.. I thought it wouldn't happen!" Will smiled, patting my back. "Well I'm glad it did." I looked to B/N. "Is he-?" Will shook his head. "Not him.." B/N pouted. "Yeah. It's not fair." He whispered, looking sad. I smirked. "Yeah it sucks doesn't it.. I'm actually quite disappointed-" will pushed me. "Bill!" I stood on my feet, walking to the couch. "Okay okay. I was just kidding.." Right as I sat down, a furry creature attacked me, barking and yipping. "ahh!" It started licking me. "Sto! Aw.. he likes you, bill!" Y/N squealed, grinning. I now realized it was a dog. I petted it. "Oh. Hello." I said, then put it on the ground. The two twins came up and sat on my legs. I hugged them. "Ooh. Children have never liked me!" I said, in surprise. Will sat down next to me. "Well they can tell you're awesome." I grinned at this. "Huh.. I guess I am pretty fun." I said, pointing my nose upward. I suddenly remembered something. I looked over to my buddy Tad. My sister was sitting on his lap as he was relaxing in a recliner. "Oh! Also guess what?~" I sung. Y/N looked up at me, smiling. I grinned. "Guess who proposed??" I said. Will and Y/N smiled suddenly, looking at the pair sitting next to me. "Oh my gosh, congrats!" Y/n yelled, hugging them. They laughed, hugging back. "Thank you!" Belle responded with as much excitement as Y/N. After that we all just talked and got caught up. Dang I missed these nerds..

Will's pov)

I leaned against the doorway, waving. "See ya guys!" I yelled, then turned to my wife. "G/N has found her other." I giggled. "I'm too lame, naturally. . 'C-cause I'm her father." I chuckled. She smiled. "Aw. You're not too lame for me.." I smiled, closing the door, and softly kissing her. "I'm g-glad." I chuckled. We went upstairs, to see the twins asleep on the couch, hugging Sto. "It was a good idea to get that dog." I said. She nodded. "Yes. It was. Thanks for that. Well its pretty late, let's get the kids to bed." She whispered. I nodded, going to pick up G/N. Her eyes slowly opened, glowing slightly blue. "I-is it time for bed?" She sleepily asked. I nodded, grabbing her hand. she yawned, and started to float to her room. "Okay. Goodnight daddy." She said. I smiled, and kissed her forehead. "N-night." Y/N had already taken B/N to bed. She came up shortly after. "I'm tired.. but I want some icecream.." She said. I smiled, sitting on the couch. She walked into the kitchen getting some ice cream, before she came back over to me, sitting down next to me, leaning on me. I smiled, kissing her head softly. "T-thank you for being mine." I whispered. We drifted to sleep shortly after.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now