Chapter 25. Heathens

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Will's pov)

I gripped my head groaning. It throbbed harshly, droning out the noises around me, making me mostly only hear my heartbeat as it quickened. "G-get out o-of my h-head!" I cried out into the black void.
"Oh, but willy-bear. We still need you!" Mabel tugged violently on the chain connected to my 'Collar'. I gasped out for breath, as I fell on my hands and knees, arching my back.
"I-i'm sorry.. p-punish me if you w-want. I've b-been foolish t-to think I c-could r-run." I hung my head, in despair, crying. Mabel handed the chain to Dipper, and walked up to me, kneeling, and grabbing my face by the jaw bones. She looked at me, and I saw something flash over her eyes. "M-m-mistress?" I asked. She grinned, pulling me towards her. She kissed me forcefully. As she pulled away, she smiled.

"Ah. But you're just so fun to tease, my dear." She whispered. I wiped her thick lip gloss off with my sleeve, as I struggled not to make a face. she stood, and went over to Dipper. I hung my head. 'Please, please let this be a dream!!' I cried to myself quietly. My two masters looked at me with sour faces, Like always.
"You better be sorry, you little maggot!" Dipper yelled, making me flinch. As they exited, I cried, rocking back and forth, trying to be as small as possible. Suddenly I heard a cry.
"Hey! Wait!"

Y/N pov)

I was in bill's hand, sobbing my eyes out. Us four were running around Reverse Falls. Bill was currently his huge, monster triangle form. His seven arms (counting on the fact that bill Is holding reader with one of his EIGHT arms) ,carried us swiftly around trees, and buildings. Belle and tad were behind us, tad was his purple dragon form, and Belle was a huge, light yellow Python.
"W-where did will go!?" I cried. "If I found out that those gleeful brats took him, I will personally invite them to join me for a knuckle sandwich!" Bill bounced me softly.
"Me too, doll face.. but right now we need to find him!" He told me. I nodded, laying back down on bills palm.
"Hey! Wait!" Bill yelled. I shot up.
"What?! Where's will?" I exclaimed. Bill didn't answer, and took off running. I gripped onto him, sliding off. He groaned, and stuck me inside his 'ribcage' making it like I was in a cage. His body made bars enclosing me in his 'chest'. He ran swiftly, I saw all surroundings disappear.
"Hold on doll! This is going to get bumpy!" He growled out, galloping toward a cliff.
"What are you doing?!" I screamed, gripping the bars, tightly. He picked up speed.
"A test." He mumbled before jumping. I closed my eyes, all gravity fell. (Eh, eh?) Suddenly gravity had an effect again, and I got jerked back harshly. Falling to the ground, I opened my eyes. We were on land again. Finally, I saw a blue figure laying on the ground in a ball. As we came close, he looked up, fear flashing in his eyes. Bill screeched to a stop, the bars disappearing. I toppled foreward, since I was leaning on them. Bill caught me in his huge hand. I looked up at him, as his long, snakelike tongue flipped upward, back into his mouth, and he shot me a toothy grin. I smiled back. He set me down.
"Now go get him, while I get burning tree." He said, turning and going toward Reverse Dipper, aka Tyrone. I turned toward Will in a swift motion, and teared up.

"W-will!!" I yelled, rushing to him, and falling on my knees in front of him. I cried into his lap. He was shaking.
"Y-Y/N? I-i that y-you?" He asked, quietly through hushed sobs. I looked up at him.
"O-of course it's me, silly! Who else would come to save their boyfriend in a giant, horrifying, piramid demon??" I asked, sniffing. He smiled, hugging me back. I buried my face in his sweater.
"P-point proven...b-but, I t-t-thought you-you got h-hurt too.." will started sobbing harder as he clutched the fabric of my shirt in his hands. As he looked over to us, Bill sighed, about to say something, but we heard a loud crack echo. Bill suddenly fell to the ground, turning human again as he screamed and writhed in pain. My eyes widened. I looked over to the source of the noise. Tyrone Gleeful was standing there, holding a very long whip. A look of disgust written all over his face.
"I thought I killed you.." Tyrone growled, looking down at bill. Bill looked up at him, I could see red flash over his wide orbs as Tyrone walked closer to him. 

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now