chapter fifteen. newly known

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Unknown pov)

I opened the door, smoothing down my dress. As I looked up, I paused. "Woah.." I said. There was Bill, Will, and Tad all in a group, but... they were all faced toward a female stranger. "Ahem.. am I interrupting?" I said annoyed. All four of them turned toward me. Bill and Tad smirked at me.
"Oh, hey sis/Hon." (Belle is Tad's girlfriend) Will smiled a little, and pulled the female against his side to show that they were together.
"O-oh. Hey.. Belle." He said. I looked at the girl. She was looking at me smiling.
"Hi. I'm-" I cut her off.
"yeah.. I don't need to know your name, or who you are.. I can already see you've taken my family. That's all I need to know." I said rudely. She was taken aback. Will looked at me, shocked.
"W-what's wrong, Belle? Your usually the upbeat one.." will let go of the girl's waist, and walked up to me, out-stretching his arms. I backed up.
"I'm sorry.. I just got done with a jerky guy.. he doesn't know when to quit. I'm sorry. I'm belle." I smiled sadly at the female, who I heard to be Y/N. She smiled back now, waving awkwardly.
"I'm Y/n." She said. I smirked.
"Mind if I call you N/N?" I asked. She laughed.
"Nope. These maniacs already call me that. it would be fun to have a girl call me that for a change." She giggled. I smiled back. The three boys looked back and forth between us girls, tad and bill mostly looking confused.
"okaaaayyyyy.... what just happened?" Bill and tad said together. Will laughed.
"compromise." He smiled. They both shrugged, and walked up to us.
"Good enough for me." Bill smirked, hitting my back. I turned to him, hitting his back harder. He fell forward.
"Waaaa!" He yelled, and faceplanted. I laughed.
"Remember? I Don't like that." I said. He stood up, rubbing his back.
"Yeah. Sorry, Belle." He apologized, rubbing his neck. Y/N smiled, and poked his cheek.
"Boop." Bill rolled his eyes.
"No wonder you and shooting star are friends. . You act like her." She shrugged.
"Yeah.. I guess." She looked away smiling. Will smiled softly, snuggling into Y/N's arm. She rubbed his head.
"Hey, Willie." She said sweetly. I hugged him.
"You are the sweetest boy I've ever met." I said. When I let go, I looked at the two.
"Sooo.. looks like you and blueberry are together?" I said. Will blushed, but nodded. Y/N smiled and stuck her tongue out playfully. I chuckled.
"Well, you two are cute together." I smiled, looking between them. They both blushed.
"Yeah. We are." Will said. I smirked, and walked past, going to Tad, and pecking his lips softly, he smiled at me afterwards. I looked to the others.
"Well it was nice to meet you. I'm going to go cool in my room." They waved at me, and Walked into the living room, Tad followed me. "~Its no Wonder that your name means Beauty~" Tad sung. I smiled. "Thanks beast."

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now