chapter 18. explanations

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Will's pov )

"Y-you see, I have a relationship with a-almost every demon and supernatural c-creature. I'm basically related to all of them. Just as l-long as they can enter the nightmare realm, a-and the mindscape, I'll know them. Everyone e-else is h-history. But the specific ones I'm talking about are B-bill, my twin. T-tad, my friend. And Belle, my s-sister.. I have two others, but I don't know e-enough about them to describe where, and what t-they are. They don't live with us, so t-they don't concern m-me right now." I explained, taking deep breaths. both of them stared at me. "Woah! You have a history!" Mabel exclaimed. Dipper chimed in. "So, are you then supposedly as old as the earth?" He asked, taking out his journal. I nodded.
"Y-yeah.. or I'm at l-least
Old enough to know that e-everything is made of t-things that are unbeliev-vable. You humans are made of stars. T-the trees are made of dinosaurs. The water has millions of D-DNA from organisms.. you literally are in fact what you e-eat, science-y stuff of t-that manner.." will said, resting his head on his hand, with a bored face. Dipper was scribbling away. Mabel was scooting in closer while grinning, and Y/N just looked proud to know someone with my knowledge.
"Have I told you how cool you make me feel to be dating a guy that is this smart. And sweet, and cute." I blushed.
"N-now you have." I said and. smiled. She giggled. Dipper and mabel looked to each other.
"Well, we gotta get back home. But that Is super cool will. Thanks for explaining. I understand now." Dipper said, getting up, and pointing at me awkwardly. I smiled.
"A-anytime, dipper." Mabel stood, hugging me.
"That... was... awesome!!! You are really cool, will. That's really interesting, about your lifeline, and how much you know. Share that with the world. You'll get lots of ladies.. but looks like you already found one. really hope you meet your two unidentified relatives... I gotta go. Bye Y/N! See ya will!" Mabel stuck a small, blue bunny sticker on my cheek. "Boop!" I smiled as they walked away.

Dipper turned around, waving at Y/N.
"Bye Y/N, bye will. Good wishes to meeting the demon-relatives!" They left us. I looked down at Y/N. She was smiling.
"What you smiling about?" I asked, giggling. She smiled up at me.
"And to think about all those times I told you I was bored.. you could have kept me going for hours on end!" She joked, softly punching my arm. I chuckled.
"I-i thought I'd just b-bore you even more.. s-so I never m-mentioned it." She intertwined our fingers, as we started walking.
"Whoever thinks all your life details are boring is gravely mistaken, my friend." She laughed. I smiled, hugging her arm.
"T-thanks, N/N." She grinned.
"Anytime, blue." The sun was now coming up from behind the mountains.

"So, shall we go home now?" She nodded.
"Th-that might be i-ideal." I snapped and we were back.
"Ah, home sweet home." She mumbled, flopping on my bed. I flopped face first into my matress beside her, mumbling the words.
"c-can't argue wi-with that." I mumbled, snuggling into the sheets, smiling contentedly. She smiled, ruffling my hair, as she got on my back.
"You're cute." I heard. I smiled back, knowing she couldn't see my smile.
"Y-you gotta remind m-me." I sighed, smiling into the sheets. She giggled.
"Well, we can't have you forget, now can we?" I sat up, looking over my shoulder so she could see my face.
"I-i'll never forget. A-as long as you s-say it once, it won't b-be able to slip." She turned herself so she could lay on my back.
"Good. And I'll keep it sticky." I laughed. "T-thats what I was hoping y-you'd say."

(Hey guys!! Sorry this one is so short.. it's 11:38 now.. I'm pooped. I've done the chapter before this one, and this chapter in a row. I need a good beauty rest. (;-; I'm dying inside.) Lol. See you my Henchmaniacs!!! ~Emma

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