chapter 21. Awsomeness

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Bill's pov)

I looked in the mirror, as I fixed my bowtie. I smirked as i watched my brother in the mirror as he was trying to peek around me, to fix his hair in the mirror.

"B-bill.. I'm trying to see.." he mumbled. I sighed, scooting over to the left, not enough for him to see fully.
"How's that?" I asked, egging him on. He kept quiet for a moment.
"Sure." He finally sighed, combing his hair over to the right with gel.
"So.. you psyched about the party at the Mystery shack?" I asked him. He looked at me nervously.
"I.. I don't know. I'm too shy to start up a conversation with Y/N. and she doesn't know what to talk about most of the time." I shrugged. "Try something different this time. She might Like it." He looked at me, unsurely.
"Might? And what If She doesn't?" He asked, over thinking it. I smiled.
"Then you're screwed." His eyes widened, making me smirk in delight.
"Wha-" he started to pale. Y/N suddenly came walking in, since the door was open.
"Bill! Quit being a jerk." She warned. I looked at her with a blank look. huffing, I turned to the mirror, ruffling my hair.
"No one asked you." I mumbled. She smiled.

"And no one asked you for advice on girls." She said back, with sass. I looked at her, and will in the mirror. She was trying different bowtie's on Will. I rolled my eyes.
"You guys are too mushy." I mumbled, as I walked out, snapping into my black and yellow Tuxedo. I heard her scoff.
"And who are you to judge? And also, how do you know about girls enough to give him advise?" I rolled my eyes, being quiet.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." She answered. I stayed silent, walking away, toward tad and Belle who were waiting in the living room.

Later at the party)
Will's pov)

I looked at Y/N. "So... you ready?" I asked, lending her my arm. She smirked, and grabbed it softly.
"Heck yeah." She said, and linked arms with me. Bill, Tad, and Belle all walked in behind us.

"This is fancy." Belle said. I nodded, along with Y/N. Tad grabbed belle's hand, and dragged her into the party. Soon they were out of sight. I exhaled nervously. Well, at least I still have bill.. I thought, as I looked over at bill. He smirked devilishly, and straightened his collar and bowtie before walking away from my side, up to a female, starting to charm her. My eyes widened.
"Oh.. no." I started freaking out. What do I do? Ahhhhh! I started having a panic attack. I suddenly heard a quiet gasp. And a small voice.
"Are you okay will?" I looked at Y/N, then down at our intertwined hands, I was tightly squeezing her hand, making it turn red, and white. I let go quickly.
"I-i'm sorry, Y/N. I'm just nervous." I said, shyly. She smiled sweetly at me.
"Oh, will.. why?" She asked, starting to walk forward. I followed.
"I've never been to one of these things before." She laughed.
"Well, big news, marshmallow. Me neither." She gave me a wide smile. I looked at her in surprise.
"Really? I thought you had went to a Dance party before.. you're so pretty, and.. well Why not?" She looked away.

"Well, before I met you, and I was... alone...I didn't dare meet anyone, I blocked out all my friends, hid from the world, and frankly didn't care if I died or not. So, I didn't meet any men or boys, if any." She said, sadly. I sighed.
"W-well, that's t-too bad.. h-how about we m-make this your b-best memory." I smiled sweetly, feeling confident. I pulled her onto the dance floor as an upbeat song came on. I laughed softly, as I started to dance freely. She laughed.
"See? This isn't bad." She insisted. I smiled a little, as I glanced over at bill. He was grinning and flashing me a thumbs up. I looked back at Y/N.
"Y-yeah.. this is f-fun." I blushed smiling. She stood on my feet, as i danced slower. I held her close, blushing a light blue. She giggled. "Wanna sit down? I'm hungry." I giggled.
"N-not to be rude, but y-you're always h-hungry.." I giggled. She smiled widely.
"You got me, my dude." She smiled. I rolled my eyes, holding her hand, and guiding her to the snack bar.

"G-go crazy, c-cutie." I said, copying her, and giggling. she pushed me aside softly As a joke.
"Yaas!" She laughed, and grabbed a couple (favorite food) and a (favorite beverage). I smiled. she stuffed her face, earning glances from other partiers. I looked at all of them.
"E-excuse her.. she d-didn't eat yet.." I said, making them look at me weirdly, then walk away. then I looked back at her.
"U-um. Maybe you s-should come d-dance again.. hey, how a-about we go tell soos a-a song to p-play?" I said, trying to get her away from the snack bar. She rolled her eyes.
"Sorry I'm embarrassing, willy.. hey, bill is coming with a girl." She said. I turned around, seeing my brother walking up to me.
"Hey guys. I'd like you to meet my gem, (insert best friend's name here, AKA, F/n)" I smiled at the new female.

"H-hello, I'm will.. this is-" "Y/N!!!! you know these two guys?!" She lept at Y/N. They started to spin around.
"I was going to tell you, but they're just so fun, I figured you'd meet them eventually!" Y/N squealed. F/N did too.
"Well, fortune teller, you were right my friend!" She laughed. Bill and I looked at each other, smiling and rolling our eyes.
"Well, that was short introductions.." bill chuckled. Mabel, and dipper went on stage. Dipper looked down into the crowd. After seeing me, and Y/N, he smiled, and waved. So did mabel. But when they saw bill, they scrunched up their faces, but waved a little, counting on the fact me and Y/N were there with him. Bill grinned, and waved at them happily. They looked away, and started talking into a mic.

"We wanna thank all of you guys for coming!! As you all know there is going to be a contstelastion hunt, followed by a shower of shooting stars! It'll happen In around ten minutes, so if you all will bring your little partying selves out the doors, to the yard, that would be great! Hope you enjoy the show!" Mabel said into the mic. Everyone filed out. They motioned for us four to follow them. We did. tad and Belle weren't far behind, either.

We all went to our own spot, surprising them with the extra two guests, either way, we all watched the awesome skybound show with the ones we love.

(In this you say you haven't been to a party.. If you have.. Deal with it bub. I'm just doing it from my perspective. ↖(^ω^)↗ ~emma)

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now