chapter 23. Store?

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Will's pov)

Frankly, I really don't know how I got here..
I was pushing the cart, following Y/N, and bill. He bounced around, grabbing every food product he could get. Y/N was constantly putting it back. Belle followed me, texting on her phone, and tad led her around so she doesn't hit anyone or anything.
"Bill! You can summon food all the time! You don't need all this! And we're getting attention. Quit." She mumbled, reaching for the hundred bags of animal crackers that he had. I smiled as he whined.
"mah crackers..." he pouted. I giggled.

"So, what's next? Other than all this.." I looked down in the cart I was leaning over. There were multiple food items and toys in it. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Bill.. put all that stuff back." She demanded. He gave her the pouty lip. She didn't budge. He huffed, and snapped, Making me see the shelves gain density.
"Woah." I whispered. Y/N led the way again. I followed close behind. Bill stayed put, crossing his arms, and being stubborn. I looked at him as I passed.
"C'mon bro. If your good she'll get us a treat." I smiled. He looked up.
"Liar." I shrugged.
"Okay. Y/N he doesn't want the treat you were going to give to give to him. I winked. She smiled, grabbing a pack of ice cream sandwiches.
"Okay.. guess I'll put them back." Bill looked at me and her in disbelief. "What?! You were serious?" Me and her giggled. "Sure, bill. Why not? We're not THAT mean as to not get our favorite golden cyclops something special.." he groaned.
"Okay, you can get them out again, cause I'm being good." He said childishly. He forced a smile. Y/N laughed.
"In a minute. First I need to get stuff to keep ME alive." Bill frowned.

"But.. what if that human food keeps me alive? What if it's not here when we come back to get it.." He whined. I smiled, and giggled.
"We've made it this far, (Dollar) Bill." He looked annoyed.
"Will! Stop making sense I'm trying to convince her!" I smiled. Y/N did too, looking back at bill who was now alongside the cart.
"Convinced." She quoted. Tad laughed.
"Well, lose not want not." Bill groaned.
"I didn't lose it, but I want it." Belle let out a small chuckle. "Classic Billy..", before going back to texting.


We were now in the checkout line. Me holding a Brown bunny, bill holding the ice cream sandwiches he wanted, and tad and Belle gossiping, holding new headphones. Y/N had a big pack of M'Ms for her. She turned around looking at all of us.
"Does everyone have the stuff that they want?" She asked, looking at us. We all nodded. She gave us a warning look.
"Good. Now no one gets to complain m'kay?" We nodded again. She smiled, and turned foreword again, and checked out our stuff.
"Okay pass all your stuff up here, ciphers, and Strange." She said. We all passed our stuff up to her. It was all handed back shortly. The cashier looked at me, bill, and tad.

"Those are some good looking men you have there, sure you don't want to buy them too?" She giggled to Y/N. Y/N laughed back.
"Hehe. Well, their already mine. You can't have one thing twice." We all walked away. The cashier watched us leave. Tad smiled at her as we left.
"Bye." Y/N laughed, looking back at Tad.
"You have to get every girl, don't you, T.S?" He shrugged.
"No. I already have my Belle here." He winked at her. I smiled.
"Alright." We all laughed lightly, and went home.

Bruised.       A Will Cipher X Reader Fanfic                  UrielectricFireWhere stories live. Discover now