Part 6

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3 Days Later, 1 week & a half until University;

Almost everyday, Joe and I have been together. We've either gotten breakfast and coffee every morning or he takes me out for lunch, he wants me to try new things so each day we have to try something we usually wouldn't eat if we were alone. The time I've been spending with Joe has been really great and I'm actually pretty bummed about having to leave soon. One thing I will say about the time we've been spending, is neither of us have actually told the other we have feelings for one another. Literally the only person who knows how I feel about Joe is Caspar, and I know he wouldn't say anything unless I would ask him too and the only person I know who Joe would tell would be Zoe, I just haven't asked her about any of it yet.

"This nail color would look great with your skin tone don't you think?" Zoe asked, she offered to take me to the salon to get my nails done with her. I've been so busy with Joe that I haven't really had time for anyone else.
"It's cute! But I think it'd look better on you than me, I'm not exactly a big fan of pink. I'm thinking of doing yellow."
"Yellow is such a cute color, good idea!" We both sat down as the ladies started to do our nails. "So how are you and Joe?" Zoe asked. I felt so relieved at the fact that she brought up Joe and I before I would even think of a chance too.
"We're really good actually, today is probably the only day I've actually gotten away from him." Zoe laughed and I smiled at the thought of actually realizing that Joe and I were really inseparable up until now.
"Well sorry I tore you away from your love life Cate." Zoe laughed once again.
"Zoe!! No, never, I like hanging out with you. Trust me, being couped up with a bunch of guys or even one at a time, is such a hassle. And my nails needed work, so having you here is a big bonus." I told her, she smiled and looked down her nails getting filed. "So I have a question though."
"Okay, ask."
"Has Joe mentioned me?" I asked, she turned her head back to me and smiled.
"Well of course he has, you're literally all he talks about Cate."
"I mean like, has he told you about how he feels about me?" I asked, hoping to push the conversation further. I want to know if Joe has feelings for me because feeling like this, I can't just keep my feelings bottled up.
"Now that's one thing Joe hasn't mentioned to me. If you want to know, why don't you ask him yourself?" Zoe looked over and smirked at me.
"What? Are you crazy?? I can't just straight up out of the blue ask Joe if he has feelings for me. Cause like chances are, he does but he doesn't want to ruin our friendship because I only come here on breaks, or the other chances are he doesn't have feelings for me back." I explained to her. She looked at me for a while with this dorky ass smile on her face. "Um, are you okay?" I asked her and I began to laugh.
"Cate! You have feelings for Joe? My brother?"
"Uhh" I started. I didn't know whether or not to tell her, or if I should just keep it to myself. I wanted to be able to let her know that I trust her and after all, Sydney was back at school, Zoe was right in front of me. "I think so?" Bloody hell, even the lady doing my nails knew I was lying. I do have feelings for Joe, I just don't know what to do.
"Cate, you should tell him! You guys would be totally cute together. I mean, you being the cute one and Joe being Joe." Zoe joked. I knew I had feelings for Joe, and it was obvious he had feelings for me too. But I leave in less than 2 weeks, I can't just start something and then have to let it go because I'm going back to University.
"Zoe, I don't know."
"Why not? You're no fun." I rolled my eyes and we both smiled.
"I just don't think it's a good idea. I'm leaving again soon and I don't know how easy it would be to see him you know? I'm always super busy with my studies and such. I don't want to get distracted."
"So he'd be a distraction? That sounds just a little sexy don't you think?"
"Bloody hell Zoe!!" I laughed. "We're done talking about this." She laughed back and rolled her eyes.
"Whatever you say."

Later that Day - At the House .

"How was getting your nails done with my sister?" I was laying down in Caspar's bed, scrolling through photos of me and Joe from the past days we've been spending together. I looked up and saw him standing in the doorway.
"Pretty fun actually, it was nice to hangout with someone that wasn't actually a boy this time." I joked. He smiled and walked into the room, I sat up as he sat next to me.
"Oh stop, you love hanging out with me and the lads." I smiled. "But I'm glad you had fun. Did Zoe ask you any certain questions?" Fuck, did Zoe tell him about our conversation? I can't bring up this situation now with him can I?
"No." I lied. "We just talked about our nails and then she asked about school." I know he could see right through me as I was lying. But I'm scared of hurting him or hurting myself because what if I'm not ready for a relationship like I feel like I am, and what about school?
"Okay, well just thought I'd ask." I could see his mood was draining down, I felt so bad, but I can't do this. Not here. "Well tonight's a movie night with the lads, you're free to join. Caspar's going to attempt to make us all dinner, we'll see how that goes." I laughed.
"Caspar?? Cooking?"
"Hard to believe, but yes." We both laughed for a good minute and then there was an awkward pause. I turned my head towards Joe as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He smiled lightly and I could already tell what was going to happen next. I didn't even hesitate. Our lips touched once again, it wasn't a quick one like I've been used to with him. He cupped my face and I postioned myself into a better position where my legs were rested on his lap. Oh god, what am I doing?? Stop yourself Cate. I kept telling myself to stop but I couldn't. I kept kissing Joe over and over. He went for my neck and that's when I knew I had to stop.
"Joe..." I said softly. He pulled away.
"I'm sorry, I got a little carried away there." I smiled a little. "I'll just see you later tonight okay?" I nodded my head and watched as he got up and walked out. I layed back down on Caspar's bed and felt my lips. I smiled to myself as of what just happened. That wasn't much at all, but still it felt like everything.

Later that Night:

"Next time guys, let's not let Oli pick the movie." Caspar joked & we all laughed. I turned my head towards Joe and I watched him as he laughed. His smile was so precious, I felt butterflies just looking at him.
"Ha ha ha, very funny guys. I happened to actually love that movie." Oli said, you could tell he was a little butthurt.
"Welp, time for bed." Caspar said as he shot up from the couch. He gave Oli a weird look and they both nodded their heads. Something was up.
"It's only 2 in the morning, that's lame." I said to Caspar, I could here Joe laugh in the background.
"Your point? Goodnight." Caspar and Oli left the room and went to their bedrooms, and once again it was just me and Joe. I knew then, that Caspar and Oli set us up to be alone in the middle of the night. I literally hate them, but then again, I loved them for it.
"You know what they did right?" Joe asked, I shot him a smile and nodded my head.
"Let's go on a walk." I tried to avoid any potential romantic contact with Joe for the time being. If it was anything like earlier, I need to be ready for whatever happens next.
"Yes now."
"Fine fine, so pushy Cate." Joe joked, I rolled my eyes and smiled once more.

It was chilly out, but what could you expect for it being almost 3 in the morning? We walked along the sidewalk, it was quiet out. I turned my head up to Joe and once he saw me looking at him, he turned his head down at me. A smile appeared on his face which made me smile. I turned my head to face the sidewalk again as he slipped his hand into mine. And in that moment, it felt like we were the only people on earth.

"You know, I'm actually not looking forward to going back to University. I used to hate visiting here on my breaks cause I never used to stay with Caspar, I'd stay with our family. So I never really got to do much." I started. "But now that I've kind of experienced new things and new people, I feel like I'm actually living."
"Cate, that feeling you're getting is how you should feel your whole life. That sense of adventure."
"It's all because of you, that I feel this way." I turned to face him as we stopped dead in the sidewalk. I looked up at him and I placed my hand on his cheek. I kissed him. This time I made the move and it felt so right. "Joe," I said softly. "I have feelings-" He cut me off with another kiss.
"Me too." I felt so at peace. I wanted to stay in this exact moment forever, I wanted to make time limitless. I kissed him again, and again. I couldn't get enough of him.

We went back to the house, it was now 4 something in the morning. He layed me down on his bed, as he got ontop of me. We were kissing for what felt like the longest until he kissed his way down to my chest, he began lifting up my shirt and I didn't stop him. Once my shirt came off, I tugged on his collar which made him take his shirt off. I brung him into a kiss, trying so hard not to break it. He pulled away for just a second.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked, I flipped my hair to the other side of head and nodded.
"Yes. I'm positive." We both smiled and he kissed me once more. We began taking the rest of our clothes off with no hesitation, I felt no worry. And then there I was, lying naked in front of him.
"You're so beautiful Cate." That took my breath away. He made me feel so comfortable, like I was a piece of art to him.

Here we were, at 5 in the morning, giving ourselves to one another. With every part of pressure that I felt, every kiss, every trace of fingers down one anothers body, every thrust, every moan that filled the room, there was love. And that's all I could ever want with someone. Was love.

hey!! i haven't updated in what feels like ages, probably because it has been another long ass time. im not really good at writing sexual scenes yikes, but this one was based on my first time. And months later, its still unexplainable. ill try to update more because i really want to finish this book soon! but thanks to anyone who really even uses this app anymore lol . -destiny.

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