Part 19

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The Next Morning - Cate's p.o.v;

I rolled over and looked at the clock, it read 8:46am. I was up before Joe and decided to get ready for the day, I'm so excited for everyone to come and we just have fun like we used to as a group. I got up and went outside to see the view before I decided to do anything. Bora Bora is so beautiful, it really is a change from London. I never thought I'd ever to get to this spot in my life where I'm in pure paradise. My phone beeped, hold that thought. I rolled my eyes and saw it was a text from Syd.

From: Syd<3
'hey, I just wanted to apologize for how I was a couple days ago with the whole Scott thing. I just never thought that he could be capable of doing something like that to someone, let alone it ever being you. I also just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not being a good friend to you. I love you will all my heart & I hope you can forgive me. Uni has sucked lately without you:('

I didn't know how to respond so I left it, I don't think I'm ready to forgive Sydney yet. I need to talk to Casp before I do anything I'd regret. I'm here on this trip, everyone's coming, I need to let this one go for now.

After I had gotten dressed, I left Joe a note on my pillow and went down to the beach. I needed to clear my mind, hang out with myself for a little. Once I stepped foot onto the sand, it was warm, not many people were out this early so I was able to sit in peace. Sometimes I wonder how things can go from being extremely bad, to perfectly good, then onto being partly good, partly bad. I am completely dreading the thought of going back to University. My two weeks are almost up and I have no idea what to do with myself. What if I leave Joe and something happens with us? What if I go back and the entire school knows? What if Sydney and I never makeup and I just have to be her roommate? So many things I thought of, always had bad endings. It's like, I'm enjoying this moment and I feel amazing knowing I'll be surrounded by the people I love most in just a few hours but this isn't reality. And I'm afraid of the outcomes when reality hits me again. I got up from the sand and took off the shirt and shorts I had, revealing the bathing suit I had underneath. I ran into the water and dived under, it was cool and refreshing. I swam up to the surface and floated, it's been so long since I've went swimming, I decided to take advantage.

A Couple Hours Later (12:27pm) - Joe's p.o.v; 

"Hey guys! I'm so glad you all could come, Cate's really looking forward to these 2 days." I said once I got down to the lobby and saw everyone. "Alfie, you're here! I thought you were visiting family?" I asked as Alfie gave me a hug.
"This is my family, you guys needed me and I wanted to be here." Alfie explained, Cate will love that he was able to tag along.
"How is she?" Zoe asked then she got up to give me a hug. 
"Hey Zo, and she's doing good. Yesterday was a little bumpy at first, but then I took her out to dinner, had a few drinks and tried taking her mind off things." I explained.
"Hey, make sure she's still taking care of herself, she does have to go back to University soon." Caspar got up and said, he gave me a hug, I nodded my head and smiled.
"I don't know about you guys but this is supposed to be a vacation and I'm ready for some drinking, we all need to lighten up and have fun for Cate." Ollie joined in excitedly, we all nodded our heads in agreement.
"Of course guys, I'm going to take care of her and be there until she has to go back. But Ollie's right, we still need to have fun while we're here." I replied and Ollie gave me a high-five for me voting in on his plans.
"Okay fine. So where is she right now?" Zoe asked.
"I-she's" I started.
"Right here!" Cate came in through the lobby door and waved as she came over to us. "Woke up earlier than him this morning and decided to go swimming." She explained. "I'm so glad you guys could all co- Alfie aw hi!" A big smile appeared on her face as she went to hug him. "I didn't think you'd be here, but thank you for coming. Hiii Zo, you look so pretty, I love your sundress, so cute." Zoe went into hug her and handed her a box, another smile came from Cate's face.
"Well here you go, I picked out one for you too, and I'm glad I managed to remember to bring it here." Zoe told her, Cate opened the box and pulled out a yellow sundress with white stripes.
"Aw this is too cute, thank you. I'll wear it for today actually, it's perfect."
"What, no love for your broseph?" Caspar said and held out his arms, Cate rolled her eyes and went in for the hug.
"Caspar, I literally just saw you the other day silly. You missed me already?" Cate told him, we all laughed. "And Ollie, hey. It's been a while since we've seen each other, I'm glad you could be here." Cate gave him a hug then came back and grabbed a hold of my hand. "So what first guys?" She asked.
"Well, we're gonna all go get ready and I reserved us a spot on a pon-tiki that will take us farther out. Have some lunch first, then we could chill out, swim, have some drinks and catch up until dinner." I told everyone, smiles broke out in everyone's faces.
"That's sounds so perfect! Ugh, I can't wait." Zoe called out and Cate joined into cheer.
"Let's go get ready then! It's time to have some fun!" Ollie shouted, we all joined in to cheer then laughed right after. I know for a fact this is going to be a good day, Cate will definitely enjoy this just like the rest of us.

On the Pon-Tiki - Cate's p.o.v;

"Joe this is so great that you did this," I started, we were all laying out in our swimsuits, drinks in hand with a pretty ass view.
"It really is, you did a lot to make this happen." Ollie added.
"And the fact that you included all of us along with it, that's the best part." Zoe joined in and added.
"To Joe, for making a new memory come into play." I said and raised up my glass, everyone raised theirs right after.
"To Joe." We all said at once, Joe began smiling and sipped with us. I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss, I could feel his smile through the kiss.
"It's nice that we get to do this, I brought all of us here together to not only support Cate through this time, but to be together as a family, as we should be." Joe added then took another drink. "I never thought I'd be here and be as close as I am to you fuckers. Zo of course, but Alfie you became apart of the family a long time ago once you started dating my sister. And Caspar, Ollie, you two have been my bestfriends and roommates for as long as I can remember, you're the brothers I never had." Casp and Ollie cheered to that one along with Joe. It's so cute how sentimental Joe's being right now, he's such a down to earth person. "And Cate, without you, I feel like life wouldn't have a purpose, when you stepped into my life you became my family and my future so quickly." I started tearing up then took another drink for him. "So thank you guys, for being the best people I could possibly ever meet." Joe finished, we all had smiles on our faces and more alcohol in our fluids, it was time to have fun.

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