Ch. 2 - James arrives

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It was a bright and sunny day in Beach City.

Meanwhile in Steven's house.

Steven: "What are we going to do!?"

He yelled, as he grabbed his hair in worry.

Amethyst: "Aw man, and we just saved Greg!"

She said with a groan.

Pearl: "This is horrible! Who knows what the Diamonds are doing to him!"

She said, showing a scared expression on her face.

Steven, Connie, Greg and the gems were in their house trying to make a plan.

Garnet: "This was one of the outcomes I didn't expect to happen..."

She said while crossing her arms.

Peridot: "You knew this was gonna happen!?"

She said, freaking out.

Garnet: "I see different outcomes with my future vision, one where James is with us, yet this is..."

Meanwhile Steven ran to Greg.

Steven: "Dad! Why did Blue Diamond want him instead of you?"

His dad began scratching his head.

Greg: "I don't have a clue son, before you guys were coming to save us, two of Amethyst's friends came to bring him to her."

Greg said, feeling worried.

Peridot, Pumpkin and Lapis were on the couch with Amethyst.

Steven: "But that makes no sense, we were there at the bubbled gem room, and there was no sign of him."

He wondered.

Pearl: "Could it be possible that she took him to HER ship?"

She was pacing around nervously.

Amethyst: "Thats pretty much obvious. He does have that blue hair thing going on."

She said, laying on the couch, but then something caught her eye from the outside window.

Connie: "Why would he let them take him though? I thought he knew the Diamonds are supposed to be evil outer space tyrants."

Garnet: "He wanted to buy us time, that is what I believe he did..."

Peridot: "Well, you gotta admit, humans tend to do crazy things when their existence is on the line to save others."

She said crossing her arms.

Lapis: "Peridot! This is our friend your talking about!"

She yelled, everyone else looked at her as well.

Peridot: "What? I'm just saying that what he did was brave, but at what cost!?"

Lapis and Peridot glared at each other before Steven separated the two.

Steven: "We gotta go save him quickly before he's put in the Zoo!"

Garnet: "Hold it Steven, we can't just rush into Blue Diamond's ship, we were lucky to get out of the Zoo without being noticed by the Diamonds. What we need now is a plan..."

Amethyst: "Uhhh, guys?"

She said, looking out the window.

Pearl: "This is insane! Why would he risk his life to save us? Doesn't he know what a Diamond would do to rebel gems? Or humans!?"

She yelled throwing her hands up, furiously.

Amethyst: "Guuuuuys?"

She said again.

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