Ch. 32 - Reunited Pt. 1

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The day went swell as the gems were greeting everyone attending the wedding of Ruby and Sapphire on the beach near the Temple, the sun was shining bright, along with beautiful fluffy clouds in the blue sky.

Steven: "Just chat around with everyone, guys! I'm gonna go wait for the others!"

He said to the gems as Amethyst grinned.

Amethyst: "You got it dude!"

Steven was pacing around by the entrance, seeing more guests arriving and quickly saw Connie, along with her parents, all dressed for the wedding, and quickly waved at them.

Steven: "You three made it!"

Connie: "Hey Steven! Sorry it took so long, but we made a short stop to pick up some flowers."

She said as her father held up the bouquet of flowers, both red and blue.

Doug: "Would these work fine?"

Steven: "They're perfect!"

Mr. Maheswaran smiled and handed it over to Steven.

Steven: "I want to thank you for accepting the invitations, since we don't have enough gems to attend the wedding, so I thought it would be great to invite some of our friends!"

Priyanka understood the boy's intentions of bringing people he knew together as she nods.

Priyanka: "That's very thoughtful of you, it's been awhile since we got invited to anything besides that time you introduced us to your father and guardians..."

She said, smiling as Steven noticed Greg was coming over, dressed in a tux.

Greg: "Hey schtu-ball, and welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Maheswaran..."

The man grinned as Doug shook his hand.

Doug: "Thanks for having us over, Mr. Universe, this is quite a wedding celebration!"

He said, looking at all the people.

Greg: "Yep, all thanks to Steven and my nephew, they make a pretty good team at planning a big ol' shin dig!"

Priyanka: "I'll say, after patching him up the other day, he seems to be up and about, helping out with the preparations! Be sure to let him know we're here, won't you?"

Greg then made a thumbs up.

Greg: "No prob! Until then, go mingle with everyone here."

The couple nodded and walked away as Connie waved at Steven.

Connie: "Talk to you later, Steven!"

She said, following her parents to go chat with the other guests as Greg scratched his head.

Greg: "Alright, we got the Maheswarans, the Pizzas, the Frymans, the Barrigas..."

He said while counting the families who arrived as Steven saw Vidalia  and Yellowtail, along with Sour Cream and Onion, all dressed fancy.

Steven: "Hi miss Vidalia!"

Vidalia: "Hey little Steeman! How's it hanging, Greg?"

She asked him as she made her family go on ahead of her.

Greg: "Oh, good, just making sure everyone got the invites, Steven DID give the envelopes to Lion to send out, oh boy..."

He said, smiling nervously and rubbed his head, worried the big cat might've forgotten a few.

Steven: "It's fine dad, he managed to get them to everybody in Beach City, he should be working in the post office!"

Steven said, being proud of his furry companion.

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