Ch. 14 - White's Anger

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Every robonoid on the planet was searching for Rose Quartz.

Meanwhile, in a blue and yellow tower high above the city, the Diamonds were getting worried.

Inside was a big dark room, with a large table, Blue Diamond was sitting on her throne looking at something while Yellow Diamond was pacing back and forth.

Yellow Diamond: "It's been too long, those machines can't possibly be defeated by Rose so easily, I made sure of them to be incapable of being destroyed!"

She said as she kept pacing.

Yellow Diamond: "Pearl, what's the status of the robonoids?"

She asked looking at her Pearl, who was looking through her screens.

Yellow Pearl: "I don't know, my Diamond! All the available ones we sent have been decimated!"

Yellow Diamond immediately slams her fists onto the table, leaving a crack.

Yellow Diamond: "Impossible!"

Meanwhile, Blue Diamond turned towards her pearl.

Blue Diamond: "What of my Palanquin, and James?"

Blue Pearl: "It has fallen to the deepest part of Homeworld, we lost all connection with James's ship once he reached the bottom...shall I send him aid to return safely...?"

Blue Diamond: "That won't be necessary..."

She said, sighing as she was still looking at something in her hand.

Blue Diamond: "All we can do is hope my child will bring the rebel Rose Quartz to justice..."

Yellow stopped for a moment, looking at Blue who had a sad look on her face, noticing something was bubbled in her hand.

Yellow Diamond: "What is that thing you have? You've been staring at it the whole time after he left."

Blue Diamond: "A flower James gave me when I was on Earth with him..."

She said, showing the blue rose to her.

Yellow Diamond sighed.

Yellow Diamond: "You really do care about this human do you?"

Blue huffed a bit, not looking at her.

Blue Diamond: "He isn't a human anymore, he's like me- like US...after everything that happened to him, what you did to him..."

She then closed her eyes, placing a hand on her forehead, crying.

Blue Diamond: "I don't know what I'll do without him..."

Her fellow Diamond couldn't bear to see her grieve again as she knelt down to her, gently grabbing her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, surprising her.

Yellow Diamond: "It'll be alright Blue..."

She said, calming her as she let it all out, tears running down Yellow's shoulder.

Blue Diamond: "I don't want to lose him again Yellow...I can't afford to lose something that is precious to me..."

Yellow Diamond: "He won't be harmed, believe me, if he's capable of piloting his own ship, surely he'll defeat Rose Quartz for us..."

Suddenly, there was a bright light as Blue and Yellow stopped hugging as a white ball appeared, lowering on the table in front of them, dissipating to reveal a white gem with her arms stretched out and had a crack in her left eye. Her one eye opened and smiled as they looked at her in fear.

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