Ch. 25 - The Show

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Days had past after James's first mission, meeting Luna AND befriending a corrupted gem, as we see him and Lapis sitting on the beach, staring at the open ocean as seagulls flew around.

James: "Nothing beats a nice day on the sand..."

Lapis: "Yep..."

She said, agreeing with the boy.

James: "You know what'll make this day even better?"

Lapis: "What?"

James: "A little music!"

He said with starry eyed expression as Lapis just looks at him, confused.

Lapis: "Um, I don't usually sing..."

James just laughed.

James: "C'mon, it'll be fun! Here, I'll start us off."

James then held a ukulele in his hand as he sat close to the gem who became nervous.

Lapis: "I don't know James..."

He shushed her as he then started playing a soft tune, Lapis was lost in his music as she sighed, seeing he really wanted to make music with her as she began humming along with the sound of the instrument and started to sing.

It all became so lovely
Those bluest skies above me.

Those funny feelings I had never felt before I met you.

James was a little surprised by her voice as he continues playing.

I thought I'd stay a while
I tried to learn to smile.

So many colors I had never even known.
Maybe I'll find myself sitting on that distant shore.

Maybe I'm not alone.

Lapis stared out into the ocean as the boy began humming along with her.

Then I see the colors fading
Gentleness of light escaping
Shadows of my fear invading
Have I seen this all before?

I know that there's something residing.
A terror deep inside me.
I couldn't understand how you could be so bold.

She smiled a bit as she scooted close to James.

Maybe I'll find myself smiling on that distant shore.

Maybe I'm not alone.

The song was finished as he looks at Lapis with soft eyes.

James: "Wow...that was amazing, Lapis!"

He said, setting the ukulele down.

Lapis: "Thanks, you play good on that little music maker."

James blushed, making her laugh.

Lapis: "And...I think you got a good voice too..."

James: "Oh, I was just humming."

He said, blushing.

Lapis: "Don't deny it, everyone can sing, even you."

She said as she held his hand, looking up at the sunny blue sky, making James do the same, taking a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze.

Lapis: "You know...for the first time in my whole life...I finally feel at peace, thanks to you."

James: " deserve a break after all you've been through..."

The gem then laughed as she played with his ear, tugging at it, making him flinch a little.

Lapis: "You mean after all we've been through?"

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