Ch. 29 - The Battle of Nebula-6

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On the Sun Incinerator, Lars, Fluorite, Padparadscha and the Rutile Twins were quickly loading the parts for fixing up the thrusters onto the ship, already hearing the loud alert and flashing yellow lights.

Alarm: "Alert. Alert. All gem troops prepare for battle, this is not a drill. "

Lars was in a bit of a panic, fearing what is going on out there, by the time they got what they needed, it was chaos as the whole place started shaking and the sounds of blasting and explosions were heard throughout the facility, and all the gems working were either running for their lives or fighting back. Was someone else actually attacking this colony? He didn't know, but whatever it is, he isn't sticking around to find out.

Lars: "Fluorite! Get the engines set for take off!"

Fluorite: "Roger that..."

She said as she lowered herself down the room below.

Lars: "Twins! Get the holo computers online! We need to know where James and Rhodonite are and what we're up against!"

Rutile Twin: "Aye captain!"

Rutile Twin: "Right away!"

They said, sitting on a chair and began powering on the system.

Lars: "Padparadscha, secure the cargo!"

Padparadscha: "At once, captain Lars!"

She nodded quickly as she ran another direction.

Lars: "I know we weren't responsible for setting off that alarm, we were quiet and avoided all the guards. And those sounds out there, definitely wasn't us."

Rutile Twin: "Agreed, captain."

Rutile Twin: "Let's hope our friends aren't hurt..."

Immediately there was a few bangs on the doors, surprising Lars and everyone.

Rhodonite: "Uh, anybody in there!? Please open the ship doors! It's us!"

They recognized the fusion's voice as Lars quickly pressed a button on his chair nearby, letting in the terrified gem who was gasping after all that running and fusing back together.

Rutile Twin: "Rhodonite! Thank goodness your back!"

Rutile Twin: "What's happening outside?"

Rhodonite: "James, crazy elite gem, Emerald...Sneepians...BOOM."

She said, placing a hand on her head while trying to process everything as Lars shows a look of confusion.

Lars: "Sneepy what?"

Rhodonite: "W-We don't know! James called them "lizard men!" It's all out war out there! Gems running, blasters firing, we barely escaped after the fighting started!"

The fusion shrieked, terrified as she had all her hands on her face.

Lars was in shock after hearing her panic, Ronaldo once said a long while back about Sneople being half human, half snake with scales and everything.

He then groaned.

Lars: "Aw great, looks like I owe Ronaldo twenty bucks now for "Sneople" being real."

Lars said, facepalming.

Rutile Twin: "Rhodonite, where's James?

Rutile Twin: "Isn't he supposed to be here too?"

She shook her head in sadness as two of her hands were placed on her cheeks in worry.

Rhodonite: "He told us to fuse back and regroup with you all, after that, his eyes and his gem glowed bright and he went to join Emerald in the fight!"

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